Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm up to here with sushi

Okay. I'm a little woozy from eating 13 plates of sushi this afternoon so i can't bring myself to write another Youngbloods snippet. But it'll be back soon. Man, what a day. Usually the time from when I wake up to the time the bell rings at the end of the school day is a big empty space which is not worthy of being blogged about. Except maybe that the chair I was sitting on broke and I fell off. Twas a pretty funny sight really. I sat on the floor for about 10 seconds thinking "what the hell?" Well, after the rest of the boring lessons, we went out to Parkway parade. Shane, Josh, Samuel and I. And we went for a sushi buffet! All you can eat for just $13.90. You should've been there. We had alot of fun. Josh started by saying, "I'm gonna eat like 20 plates man!" Well it was pretty short lived coz we all shorted out after the 10th plate. Maybe not Shane though. Josh and I were so full by the end that it was like being under the influence of alcohol or something. It hurt even to laugh man. And when you sit next to Joshua, its hard not to laugh. Thank God we didn't throw up right there and then. I think sushi is alot like pancakes. It's wonderful at the beginning but towards the end you just get plain sick of em. Ugh. We had to help each other walk up the stairs. Oh and Josh pushed me into a bush of these plants that had these spines on them outside Parkway. I put my hands out to stop me from falling and i guess i didn't realise it was that sharp until i pulled out my hands which were scratched with skin coming off! Shane left to go hoime but since we left our bags in class, we went back to school. We took the high road on bus 15. I saw Nadia and Michelle at the bus stop but it was too crowded to say hi. And they wouldn't have noticed anyway so yeahh. Haha. Okay by then it was hard to stand because of all the extra weight, so josh and I sat on a patch of grass beside the road and gazed at the sky. Actually the view over there is kinda nice. Though we may have been sitting in a place where dogs like to leave their mark. So then we went back into school and played a bit of soccer. It was fun. heheh. And I guess that's pretty much everything that was interesting that happened today. No really I'm not kidding. So right now, I'm sitting here and typing the full stop at the end of this sentence. Oh well, Samuel just sent me his story so i'm gonna go read it now. Not like you would care you stupid post applet. Pfft. Alrighty take care and have a nice day.


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