The Celestia drifted dreamily through the blue sky high above the lands of George. It was tranquil and calm. Light breezes tickled the faces of those on board and the sound of the propellers chopping through the air went in rhythm with the flapping sail above. Shane hung his legs over the starboard end of the deck. "Wooo! Look at how high up we are!" He excitedly proclaimed.
Damian took a seat next to him and held on to the guardrails, "Yeah! We can't even see the ground from up here!"
"That's because we're flying over the ocean now..." Samuel said as he carefully read an old, worn out map.
Shane turned and looked at Samuel and paused for about three seconds. "Shut up!" he retorted and continued gazing into the clouds below.
Kyle and Joshua stomped around the center of the deck, practicing hand to hand combat moves. "Hey! I didn't hit you that hard!" Kyle exclaimed after receiving a solid punch to the back.
He returned the favor by clubbing Joshua in the arm. "Argh!" he cried out after falling hard onto the wooden deck, "I'm dying!"
"Okay time out you two." Samuel said irritably as he glanced up from his map, "We can't afford any casualties up here."
Joshua and Kyle walked down to where Shane and Damian sat, clutching their injuries. The captain of the ship waved to Samuel from the bridge and rang the pull-bell beside him. He responded with a thumbs up and a wave. Turning to the others, he rolled up the map and took a seat on the wooden boards beside him. "He's taking the ship down now." he said casually.
"That was a fast trip." Joshua said
"We haven't completed the trip yet. We have to make a stop off first. Then it's three days on from there." Samuel replied.
"Oh. Where are we stopping again?"
Samuel stared at Joshua and then let out an exasperated sigh. "Didn't I tell you all three times that we have to pick up the Princess from Durnewood?"
"Oh no, not her!" Kyle said.
"Why do we have to pick her up?" Shane asked.
"Because we're her royal escorts!" Samuel shouted as he hit one of the boards with his fist.
They let out simultaneous groans as they leant back. " So now we have to pick her up and be nice to her. Great!" Damian said as he stamped his foot.
"It won't be so bad. Geoff will be boarding as well. He'll keep her busy." Samuel reassured them.
"More like she'll keep him busy. Imagine all that squealing and dancing he'll have to endure. Poor Geoff. I'm starting to feel sorry for him being the prince-to-be." Kyle added with a laugh.
The airship started to dip downwards a little and Joshua began to slide along the deck. "Whoa! Alright, I think it's time to go into the cabin. Don't want to wake up 600 feet underwater." said Joshua as he pulled himself back to his feet with the guardrail.
The ship was preparing to land. It began it's slow descent, passing through the barriers of clouds, which made the cabin feel like a straw shack at winter time. Through the windows of the cabin, the lands of Durnewood started to appear. The first landmark that could be seen was the very obvious Tower, right in the heart of the palace. Durnewood was an extravagantly decorated city. It had colourful streamers hanging from the roofs of the palace and the houses around it. There were many large balloons painted red and yellow floating in the air, tied to the ground by ropes. “Only the Princess could come up with decorations like this.” Damian said with a smirk on his face.
Flowers littered the gardens, all in the shades of pink and yellow. The whole area below them looked like a fairyland. The Celestia pulled down to tree level. And even the mighty oaks had red ribbons hanging from their branches. “Welcome to Penny Land.” Said Kyle looking with disbelief.
The captain and crew threw the landing ropes over the sides of the ship and the ground crew helped to secure them to the posts on each side of the ship. After the ropes were tied tightly, a ramp was wheeled out to the deck. “Okay, you can get off now. We’ll be waiting here so take your time.” The captain said with a friendly smile.
“Thanks! We’ll be right out.” Joshua said with a wave.
The doors of the palace opened and they stepped into the halls. White marble tiled the floor and intricately carved stone pillars supported the level above them. There was a huge central fountain in the hall, with three levels of mini waterfalls complete with a statue of the princess standing on the very top of it. “Well you have to admit, the fountain is nice.” Shane said as he watched the water flow hypnotically.
Joshua threw a coin into the fountain as they walked past it and toward a wooden door in which many crystals and jewels were embedded. They glittered against the backdrop of the dark brown door, resembling the night sky. The doorknockers were silver and the handles were of gold. Never had they seen such an elaborately fashioned door way before. The two guards on either side of the frame bowed to the 5 of them and pulled the door open, with great effort. It was the entrance to the throne room. Kyle sighed as he took the first step in. A flight of about 10 steps led up to the white throne. To the left and about 5 steps below it lay another, smaller throne. Both were empty and there wasn’t anyone in the whole room. “So…Where is she?” Kyle asked as he looked around.
Shane shrugged and began to look around as well. “Hey friends!!” squealed a loud but melodic voice.
Kyle closed his eyes and rubbed his head with the back of his hand. “We found her.”
“Oh how wonderful it is to see all of you!” She said with a wide smile on her face, “I picked fresh rose petals for you!”
She began to throw the petals in the air around the five of them, humming a tune as she pranced about the room. Damian couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Geoff walked up to them with an uncomfortable smile on his face. “Well, welcome to the palace.” He said as he broke out into hysterics as the petals covered the clothes and hair of the others.
“Very funny Geoff. You’re a natural court jester.” Samuel said.
“Me a jester? You’re the ones with petals on your heads!” he replied as he fell to the floor with laughter.
Kyle picked up a handful of them and threw them at Geoff. “Flower fight!” Joshua exclaimed as he jumped onto Kyle knocking him into a pile of the petals. Samuel flicked one into Shane’s face and he was quickly met with a takedown onto the now pink carpeted floor. They tossed up the petals creating a swirl of pink confetti. The room was filled with laughter and smiles as the rose petals settled onto the marble. “Oh act your age you guys.” Nydia said as she walked into the throne room.
“Nydia you’re here! What a surprise!” Kyle said as he spat out a mouthful of rose.
“Somebody has to keep an eye on you all while we’re out there.” She said as she walked up to them.
“Keep an eye on us? What ever for?” Geoff asked as he dusted off the petals from his cloak.
“Well if you’re doing stuff like this now, who knows what else you would do. Perhaps jump off the airship?” Nydia replied as she kneeled down next to Kyle.
Kyle grabbed a handful of the petals from the ground. “You’re too serious sometimes. Why don’t you take it easy sometimes?” he said as he sprinkled them over her head.
“But don’t become too easy going. Or you’ll become like her.” Damian whispered and pointed at Penny.
Samuel stood up and took out a notebook. “Well our next stop will be at the airship terminus. That’s about a day’s travel from here.”
Geoff got up as well, “We should be off then. Come princess let’s board the Celestia.” He said as he took Penny by the hand.
“Oh we’re going to fly? How wonderful!” she squealed as she skipped alongside him.
Nydia waited till they were outside the room. “Kyle, I know you guys don’t really like her that much but this time you’re her Royal bodyguards. So please try and be nice to her alright? She puts a lot of trust in all of you.”
“She does? That’s good to hear I guess.” He replied as he scratched his head, “Okay I’ll be nice to her this time. Only because you asked nicely.”
Nydia smiled and patted him on the cheek, “Theres a good boy.”
Shane, Joshua and Damian began to snicker behind him as Nydia walked out of the room as well. “Go ahead and laugh. We’ll see who gets a blanket full of ice later!” Kyle said as he walked out.
They boarded the airship once again. Penny started to spring around the deck like a ballet dancer as Geoff followed close behind. The others took their seats in the order in which they originally were. Nydia leaned on the guardrail as the crew helped to untie the supports. “All ready for take off!” The captain bellowed.
“Aye aye captain!” Shane responded with a salute.
The propellers began to move and the ship began to climb into the air. Penny scurried over to the side and waved to the ground crew. Still holding some petals from earlier on, she threw them down. Before long, the engines were full ahead and the Celestia ascended into the sky, leaving the city of Durnewood behind. “I’m going to miss my palace.” Penny said, starting to tear, “I don’t want to leave!”.
She ran up to Geoff and began to cry into his shirt. “There, there Princess. We’ll be back in a week.” He said as he patted her on the back.
“How old is she again?” Joshua asked as he looked on.
“She is as old as us. Though she acts like she’s five.” Shane replied.
Kyle sat against the guardrail, holding the wooden support tightly, as he watched Durnewood disappear from sight. Soon enough, the clouds blocked all vision of the lands below and once again, they were high up in the sky as they were initially.
The sun grew dimmer as they ascended, giving the air a misty atmosphere. Penny recovered from her tears almost as quickly as she had begun crying. “Have you ever been so high that you could touch the clouds?” She sang in a strange tune as she spun around the main deck.
Geoff grabbed her hand once more and tried to force her to stay still. “Princess, I don’t think an airship is the ideal place to be jumping around like that.”
“Geoff I love this ship! Buy it for me!” she said as she took both of Geoff’s hands and twirled around with him.
“Okay easy now, easy!” Geoff said as he almost lost balance.
Kyle laughed at the sight and so did the others. “I guess she can be kind of cute sometimes” Damian said.
Samuel, Shane and Joshua turned and looked at him with their mouths wide open. “Surely you jest” Shane said.
“Hey. Damian is kind of right. Penny can be annoying sometimes but she is nice too. She cares in her own special…childish ways.” Kyle said as he got up off the guard rail.
“I guess. But she still acts weird.” Said Samuel, carving his name into the wooden floorboard.
“I’m going to talk to Nydia for a while. See you in a bit my friends.” Kyle said as he patted Samuel on the back and ruffled Damian’s hair.
“Be back in time for dinner. We have Taquitos tonight!” Shane called out to him as he walked across the deck.
Kyle waved back to them and walked across the deck, avoiding Penny’s spirals and twists. Nydia was daydreaming as she rested her head on her hands, gazing out into the clouds. “Nice sky isn’t it?” Kyle said as he took his place beside her.
“Yeah. I like traveling on airships. Where else can a girl fly?” She replied as she leaned closer to him.
On the other side of the deck, Shane and Samuel were debating over which route to take once they landed. Many “Shut up!” notions were heard. The two of them were like oil and water sometimes. But like the rest, they were good friends. Joshua and Damian both hung their legs over the ship’s side as they did earlier and chatted and laughed about the past adventures. Kyle smiled as he looked back at them. Nothing had changed their friendships even though they had been through hell and high water together. “Kyle?” Nydia called him.
He turned around quickly, “Yes Nydia?
“I want to go up to the crows nest. Would you be so kind as to escort me up?” she asked, tittering slightly.
“Sure. Why not? Let’s go then.” Kyle said as he started to walk in the direction of the rope ladders.
The rope ladders led up to the main mast where the crows nest was perched. The highest lookout point of the Celestia. He took the first step up the ladder and extended his hand.
“Careful now.” He said gently as she grabbed his hand and pulled herself up as well.
“Relax. I can take care of myself. I’m not your average girl you know.” she said slightly haughtily.
They climbed side by side up to the wooden canopy. Her dress posing a bit of a hindrance in climbing the ladder. They reached the top in a short time nonetheless. Nydia hopped into the crows nest and stretched out as she took in a deep breath of fresh air. The sun had just begun to set and it gave the sky a pinkish hue with spots of blue still around it. “The only thing better than watching a sunset is watching it from the sky itself.” Nydia said as she leaned forward.
“Another thing better than that is watching it from the sky itself with someone you treasure.” Kyle said quietly.
She turned, cocked her head and gave Kyle a surprised look. Then, she laughed and leaned back against him. “The sky reminds me of the colour of the peaches in spring. A mix of delicate pink and boisterous orange. It’s beautiful.” She said as she looked ahead.
“A peach coloured sky. That’s new.” Kyle said, sitting against the edge of the canopy, holding her against his lap.
The Celestia’s propellers chopped peacefully once again and the breeze was nice. It was almost a perfect end to the day. The captain rang the pull-bell and Kyle turned around. “Dinner is ready everyone!” he announced, “Please enter the cabin’s mess for your meals.”
Down below, Shane, Joshua, Samuel and Damian sped into the cabin, knocking into each other as they ran in. Geoff pulled Penny by the arm and dragged her in with him. “Well, it’s time for dinner. Shall we go?” Kyle asked.
“I think I’ll stay up here for a while.” Nydia replied, still gazing ahead.
“Would you like me to stay up here with you then?”
“No. You’re going to get me a sandwich baby.” She replied with a mischievous grin.
Kyle smiled back at her, “Anything for you sweetness.”
Nydia stroked his hair softly and then turned around again. Kyle hopped out of the canopy and slid down the rope ladder to the deck below. The Celestia glided smoothly through the skies of peach, like a dragon soaring through the mist of the mountains. And as the rudders flapped and the wind whistled around the sail, it coasted into the sunset beyond, with a cargo of high spirits and 8 heroes.