Rules of the game:
Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read yours.
1. I am a descendant of the first man to ever swim the English channel.
2. I am pretty bad at frst person shooter games, no mater how long i practise them.
3. My relatives are forcing me to join Singapore idol next year.....
4. I believe that angels have wings made out of white feathers.
5. I like food with cheese and meat in it. Mmmm....cheese and meat....
5 PEOPLE TO DO THIS: Samuel, Shane, Joshua, Tessa and My bro.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
The passage from parch to plenty. Or plenty to parch....
I have officially graduated from the best damn secondary school of all time. Grad night was two days ago. It was alright I guess. Just too bad it started off with a kinda heartache....i suppose the rest of the night went well. We cheered, ate and drank like we were in the halls of Valhalla. There was even one part where Eng Tai went up on staged for the best dressed and most handsome patrician thingy. Hahaha. Everyone was cheering for him. Even the sec 5's. The rrof almost came down on us with all that noise. Twas a brilliant day. And then we had the barbecue yesterday where everyone got wet coz some peeps decided to have a water bomb fight. Using my ice box as a water container.... haha. So anyway the O's have long gone. And now we go on the passage from parch to plenty. Or plenty to parch...depending on the results we get on February 28th. Geez it's gonna be either the greatest or worst birthday i'll ever have. For now, I will return to my normal routine of playing games upon games until i cant see the screen properly anymore. Then I promise, I will write my story. Honest. If not, you can beat me until I write it. Thats all for today!
Oh by the way. If you believe in something, people get nervous around you. They become afraid of you. And so they try to shake your beliefs. Don't listen to them. If they tell you that you shouldn't believe in what you choose to believe, stand your ground. Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Because all they are doing is trying to change your beliefs to suit theirs. They are scared of you and your principles. Believe in yourself as well and let no one convince you otherwise. Hold fast.
So...Why were you hesitant? It's not like my body was made of acid or anything.
Oh by the way. If you believe in something, people get nervous around you. They become afraid of you. And so they try to shake your beliefs. Don't listen to them. If they tell you that you shouldn't believe in what you choose to believe, stand your ground. Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Because all they are doing is trying to change your beliefs to suit theirs. They are scared of you and your principles. Believe in yourself as well and let no one convince you otherwise. Hold fast.
So...Why were you hesitant? It's not like my body was made of acid or anything.
Monday, November 14, 2005
This is the point in a boy's life when he knows that the rest of his life is going to be an utter embarrasment and disgrace to his family and friends. Seeing my father shrug like he didn't know what was going to become of me, made me feel like shooting everyone within a 10 block radius and finally turning the gun on myself. I'm officially the family loser. Who ever heard of someone failing clb? I don't even want to type this shit anymore. If my own father has lost faith in me, who has any left? I'm giving up as well. For everyone to know, I'm going to grow up to become a bum. Don't be hostile if i need to borrow money or sleep over at your place. I've let down everyone. I shouldn't accept anyone's christmas gifts this year. I'm probably going to get a 5 for english and a 5 for maths and a 5 for everything else and a fail for clb. My life as I know it is academically over. If you will excuse me, I'm going to try and hang myself. Don't worry I'll probably fail at that too.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Its 1000 and climbing
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kylenation! Population: 1000+ and growing!
Thanks for the support everyone!
Thanks for the support everyone!

img src="" border="0" alt="Exclamation Mark [Palatino, Bold]">
You are the exclamation mark.You are bubbly, dramatic and energetic.You like making dramatic entrances.Your company is somewhat exhausting, andsome people get headaches if in your presence too
Which piece of punctuation are you?
brought to you by
Do I really give people headaches and exhaust them? Hmm
You are the exclamation mark.You are bubbly, dramatic and energetic.You like making dramatic entrances.Your company is somewhat exhausting, andsome people get headaches if in your presence too
Which piece of punctuation are you?
brought to you by
Do I really give people headaches and exhaust them? Hmm
Saturday, November 05, 2005
The day before tomorrow
This is the last day before the final test we'll ever take as a secondary school student. I cannot help but worry what is on the other side of the sunrise. This will either make or break my life as it is. Tonight is officially the last night of calm. And then, it begins. Now my younger friends, I must leave. I am on the brink of a new stage in life. This is where we will part. Your turn will come soon though. But even then I cannot guarantee that we'll ever see one another again. Don't worry though, it'll be fine. Your life continues. As does mine. And just like all good things must end, so upon these final days of 2005, ours comes to an indefinite close. In case I never see you again, i wish you the best in what you decide to do. I wish you better than your heart desires. Take up my seat which will be empty by dawn. And have a nice day for the rest of your days. I willdo my greatest to keep in touch. I hope you do the same. My friends of my age. This is it. Its been so long hasn't it? Since we began, not knowing where we were headed? Some of us still don't know till this day. But I guess after this last hairpin bend, we will have some idea. It won't matter if we fail. Or if we end up with nothing at all. Ultimately, it is up to us to build our lives. Nonetheless, i pray for all of us to find our way to where we desire to go, be it a jc or a polytechnic. This isn't the end. At least that's what I think and I hope you think that way too. We too may not see each other much after but I will stretch my limits to carry on our friendship. And if we do not get to gather once again as the group we once were, our fellowship would still remain unbroken within our hearts and minds. May we do well enough for ourselves. I guess it's time now for this cowboy to ride off. It is dusk already. Not far off now... Ride now, and do not turn back. Not one step backwards. It's all downhill from here.

It's about time the O's got a full barrel of bullets up it's ass. Western style.

It's about time the O's got a full barrel of bullets up it's ass. Western style.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Just a little something i'd like to try
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your (online journal if you've got one) and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you
Monday, October 31, 2005

On saturday, I managed to catch final fantasy: advent children. It was the cinematic remake of the game that revolutionized the final fantasy series, FF7. Many of you do not know what exactly i'm talking about. But I guess it is different between you and i. Advent children may not have been the best movie of the year, but to me, it was the best one i watched so far. Do not get me wrong when i say i loved the movie and confuse me with someone who watched it and had no idea what the hell was happening. Those kinda guys are just in it for the sake of it. I grew up with final fantasy. It was almost like my childhood bedtime story each night i turned off the playstation. It began when I was 6 or 7. The year i got my ps1. Final fantasy was one of the first games that i was engrossed in. There was much beauty in the storyline as well as dark aspects. And when I watched the movie on saturday evening, every memory came back. The music, the thrills, the characters, the passion i had with the story. It was so good to see the characters and the places come to life after so many years. It was probably one of the most inspiring times of my childhood days and now, those flames of imagination have been rekindled. I remember vincent and his mystique, barret and his boisterous personality, yuffie and her sassy attitude and cloud who always seemed to be without much emotion. My days as a kid were spent with those characters from a fictional game. And seeing them once again was great. I guess my interest in magic and fantasy began there. All built upon a simple game. Dragons, wyverns and chocobos. Swords, guns and shurikens. If there was ever an award going for most influential story, i'd pick it any day. Perhaps you may not understand the way I feel. Perhaps you grew up with other things like southeast asian folklore or mother goose stories. My conscious life began with final fantasy 7 and watching the last scene of that movie, where Cloud smiled for the first time in a long time, i knew that i would always treasure that story till the day i pass on. Such a tale cannot be forgotten so easily. Thank you for the inspirational music Nobuo Uematsu, thank you for the game Squaresoft. Thank you for giving me a little piece of fantasy to build on my own.
A huge part of my life was spent in the slums of Midgar, the mountains of Nibelheim and the city of Kalm. Everyday, an adventure beside Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, Barret, Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, Red 13, Cait Sith and Sephiroth. I will never forget those blissfull days in 1997. I will never stop dreaming the way i did then. One more ride on the highwind would be great...
The end
Sunday, October 30, 2005
4 years ago this age began where i stepped out into this orange-pink school,
Only a handful of friends had I, some close, some far.
The future seemed unnerving, never had I been in an environment such as this.
The boy from primary school was slowly dissipating. Turning slowly but steadily into what he is today.
Along the way, i made friends. Some close, some not very and some who were just there.
Though the beginning was strange, it began to twist into a time of great fun and happiness.
2 years of it were easy and swift. We had fun and laughter, not a tear was shed.
My friends and I were going forth like centurions, unperturbed by challenges ahead.
But that changed, the year which the white began to cover our legs.
Our paths were split into different directions. Some left, some stayed.
It was a sad sight to see one of my greatest allies fly off to a far away land as the walls of the school turned from orange to white and green.
Change was rampant. It began to scare me once again. Along with the loss of friends cam heartbreaks in a different field. Romance took me by the throat and shook me to the living core.
At one point, it was almost painful to watch people holding hands. And then, it began to be painful to live. I almost got lost in my own mind once.
My tattered shoes and my frayed pants. The broken prefect badge and the worn prefect tie.
I was a prefect... But i have forgotten the times where it used to mean something.
Dreams of head prefect and sportsman of the year slipped easily through my fingers.
I was nothing. Nothing but a run of the mill student in a run of the mill school.
However, from lost friendship, new friendship began. And during the 3rd year, a bond between 5 students was formed.
They stuck by me, and I stuck by them. Or at least i hoped i did.
We laughed and had fun. Once again, no tears were shed.
At least not among each other....
The fourth year began. Our final year. We pledged to do our best. We pledged to make our impact felt.
Much was had in the fourth year. New ideas, new positions and new lessons.
Though we had fun and laughed together. We couldn't help but keep one eye fixed upon the approaching tempest.
Two battles we each fought. One in mid year and one a few months ago. I didn't give my best and personally, i'm afraid of what stands before me.
Our 800 days ended 2 weeks ago and now there is one week till saigo no sensou.
The five of us are standing on the dusty grounds of the front. There is no way back. We have to face it, or fall.
I guess this is it....I don't want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one i can't escape is even worse.
7 days. Thats all that's left.
Alas, here upon the 4 levels of the white citadel our fate will be decided. It is in our hands now.
But I know, however the outcome. Whether it goes ill or we return as heroes. Bonds will still stand.
We will still have that. And though it seems insignificant, try living without them. You'll die in a month.
Take these 7 days one at a time. Fear not the future. Whatever lies beyond the morning after, is a little later on.
This is our final act, our last chapter, the ultimate test.
May the guardian's wings be on your back.
May we prevail.
May we live to raise hell once more.
Only a handful of friends had I, some close, some far.
The future seemed unnerving, never had I been in an environment such as this.
The boy from primary school was slowly dissipating. Turning slowly but steadily into what he is today.
Along the way, i made friends. Some close, some not very and some who were just there.
Though the beginning was strange, it began to twist into a time of great fun and happiness.
2 years of it were easy and swift. We had fun and laughter, not a tear was shed.
My friends and I were going forth like centurions, unperturbed by challenges ahead.
But that changed, the year which the white began to cover our legs.
Our paths were split into different directions. Some left, some stayed.
It was a sad sight to see one of my greatest allies fly off to a far away land as the walls of the school turned from orange to white and green.
Change was rampant. It began to scare me once again. Along with the loss of friends cam heartbreaks in a different field. Romance took me by the throat and shook me to the living core.
At one point, it was almost painful to watch people holding hands. And then, it began to be painful to live. I almost got lost in my own mind once.
My tattered shoes and my frayed pants. The broken prefect badge and the worn prefect tie.
I was a prefect... But i have forgotten the times where it used to mean something.
Dreams of head prefect and sportsman of the year slipped easily through my fingers.
I was nothing. Nothing but a run of the mill student in a run of the mill school.
However, from lost friendship, new friendship began. And during the 3rd year, a bond between 5 students was formed.
They stuck by me, and I stuck by them. Or at least i hoped i did.
We laughed and had fun. Once again, no tears were shed.
At least not among each other....
The fourth year began. Our final year. We pledged to do our best. We pledged to make our impact felt.
Much was had in the fourth year. New ideas, new positions and new lessons.
Though we had fun and laughed together. We couldn't help but keep one eye fixed upon the approaching tempest.
Two battles we each fought. One in mid year and one a few months ago. I didn't give my best and personally, i'm afraid of what stands before me.
Our 800 days ended 2 weeks ago and now there is one week till saigo no sensou.
The five of us are standing on the dusty grounds of the front. There is no way back. We have to face it, or fall.
I guess this is it....I don't want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one i can't escape is even worse.
7 days. Thats all that's left.
Alas, here upon the 4 levels of the white citadel our fate will be decided. It is in our hands now.
But I know, however the outcome. Whether it goes ill or we return as heroes. Bonds will still stand.
We will still have that. And though it seems insignificant, try living without them. You'll die in a month.
Take these 7 days one at a time. Fear not the future. Whatever lies beyond the morning after, is a little later on.
This is our final act, our last chapter, the ultimate test.
May the guardian's wings be on your back.
May we prevail.
May we live to raise hell once more.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
You know I really wish i lived in a world of text instead of the world i live in now. I wish I was part of a fantasy and not of this reality. Everything in reality is based on routine. Just look at it.
Wake up -----> School----->Return home-----> Sleep
Wake up---->Go to work----->Come Home----->Sleep
Why can't we be fighting dragons or grappling with griffons in the mountains or in the windswept plains of some distant, magical land? I would rather be riding a horse all day and going to war at the age of 15 than continuing my education here. Just imagine. Everyday would be a quest or an adventure into the unknown. Even war before this damned age was somewhat better. There was still valour and honour and even spirit. The thrill of a united rank charging down the hillside, each man with sword in his hand, fighting for what he holds dear to him. The beauty of war was that everyone had a fighting chance. Now look at it. You could be a marksman, the fittest guy in the entire platoon and still you will die in a fraction of a second. Where is the honour in that. Medal of honour my ass! They should just call it medal of "I pushed a button and wiped out the enemy so i deserve some sort of recognition." It doesn't depend on skill anymore.. I wish we could return to the age of swords and spears where weapons were respected. And even if you got shot in the head with an arrow, you could survive. Reality is a piece of shit to me. It will seem that way to you too if you really think about it. I feel like I don't belong here anymore. Guns are one thing that suck. It spoils everything. Bombs are another. Real life is such a drag. Nothing special ever happens. On your death bed your grandson might ask. So gramps what was your life like? Your answer would probably be like this, "Well, i did well in school, graduated from college, got a job, worked, had a family and here i am."
How much more unsavoury can it get... I don't want a life like that. Why must it be so mundane? For once I wish that fantasy and reality would switch places and give this world a touch of magic. Believe me this world needs it. Would you rather be driving down the ecp or riding a horse through the fens of Gondor. Would you rather be reading biology or learning how to fence in the halls of a fortress? Would you rather go to war knowing you have a fighting chance of survival or go there knowing you're dead for sure? I don't know what you want. But even with technology and everything, I'd really prefer a life in fantasy than a life in reality. Though there wont be computers, who gives a damn. There are more upsides to it than there are down.
Sighs....Oh well. Hopefully one day I will experience some magic. I'd rather be shielding myself from the heat of a dragons breath than listening to the scoldings i get from the school principal. This is what I think. And I think I don't like reality one bit. Coz if you stack them up toe to toe, Fantasy would kick the shit out of reality anytime and everytime.
Wake up -----> School----->Return home-----> Sleep
Wake up---->Go to work----->Come Home----->Sleep
Why can't we be fighting dragons or grappling with griffons in the mountains or in the windswept plains of some distant, magical land? I would rather be riding a horse all day and going to war at the age of 15 than continuing my education here. Just imagine. Everyday would be a quest or an adventure into the unknown. Even war before this damned age was somewhat better. There was still valour and honour and even spirit. The thrill of a united rank charging down the hillside, each man with sword in his hand, fighting for what he holds dear to him. The beauty of war was that everyone had a fighting chance. Now look at it. You could be a marksman, the fittest guy in the entire platoon and still you will die in a fraction of a second. Where is the honour in that. Medal of honour my ass! They should just call it medal of "I pushed a button and wiped out the enemy so i deserve some sort of recognition." It doesn't depend on skill anymore.. I wish we could return to the age of swords and spears where weapons were respected. And even if you got shot in the head with an arrow, you could survive. Reality is a piece of shit to me. It will seem that way to you too if you really think about it. I feel like I don't belong here anymore. Guns are one thing that suck. It spoils everything. Bombs are another. Real life is such a drag. Nothing special ever happens. On your death bed your grandson might ask. So gramps what was your life like? Your answer would probably be like this, "Well, i did well in school, graduated from college, got a job, worked, had a family and here i am."
How much more unsavoury can it get... I don't want a life like that. Why must it be so mundane? For once I wish that fantasy and reality would switch places and give this world a touch of magic. Believe me this world needs it. Would you rather be driving down the ecp or riding a horse through the fens of Gondor. Would you rather be reading biology or learning how to fence in the halls of a fortress? Would you rather go to war knowing you have a fighting chance of survival or go there knowing you're dead for sure? I don't know what you want. But even with technology and everything, I'd really prefer a life in fantasy than a life in reality. Though there wont be computers, who gives a damn. There are more upsides to it than there are down.
Sighs....Oh well. Hopefully one day I will experience some magic. I'd rather be shielding myself from the heat of a dragons breath than listening to the scoldings i get from the school principal. This is what I think. And I think I don't like reality one bit. Coz if you stack them up toe to toe, Fantasy would kick the shit out of reality anytime and everytime.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
The road goes ever on.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Concept art.
These drawing are dedicated to my story and to those who read it.
The concept art of my story.

The overworld map. In case the words are too small,
Upper left- Incradia- Directly below- Neadril Island
Bottom left- Singaria
Central- Durnewood
Upper central- George & Mosin-Southeast-Longhorn Island
Right- Priathor
Top Right- Xander
The concept art of the Five's weapons.

Short sword of Damian Teo.
Dress sword of Durnewood officers. Presented to him by the King after his participation in the Dead eye competition.
Diamond coated steel blade with gold plated hilt.
Cloth grip.
Leather scabbard with a gold finish.
Engraved with the seal of Durnewood.

Sword of Joshua Siow.
Composite Steel blade.
Hilt engraved with the Scorpio seal.
Pommel emblazoned with a cross.
Leather scabbard etched with his first name.
Rope grip.
Obtained at the beginning of his journey from his father.

Sword of Samuel Lee.
Folded steel blade.
Stingray skin grip.
Seal of the Incradian forge on hilt.
Black Ivory scabbard with silver trim.
Obtained at the tournament of Champions, before the Incradian betrayal.
The only sword among the five not from Durnewood or George.

Dagger of Kyle Ganapathy.
Simple curved steel blade.
Engraved motto on the base of the blade. "Till the end of time"
Wooden handle complete with ergonomic grip design.
Iron pommel.
Leather scabbard with loop at the base. Easy belt attachment.
Given to him at George before leaving to defend Mosin.

Battle Axe of Shane Meyer.
Steel axe head.
Metal etched grip at base complete with elaborte hand guard.
Bandages attached to shaft as a luck charm.
Leather blade cover. Secured by laces.
Bandages came from those that covered the wounds of Gervace Radrial. Axe-Master of Durnewood, 3 centuries before.
Entrusted to him by the winner of the tree hewing contest after seeing his potential.
These are the main weapons of them. More will be posted up once I draw them properly.

The Celestia. The ship that carried us to and from the war.
Built in Xander and was flown to George where it rested for 20 years.
Crashed four times before due to air blowouts but survived each time.
The flagship of the Princess and her royal guard.
The first airship to break into Incradian territory in the counter invasion.
That concludes the collection of concept art I have so far. But still I would like to continue this post with a few more pictures that are worthy of this blog.

The shards of Falmar.
Entrusted to Kyle by Gordon Lye for his birthday.
Broken in the battle.
Remembered eternally.

In memory of the 5 kings.
The watch of Samuel, The scissors of Shane, The beloved picture of Damian, The pen and book of Kyle, The feather and holy ring of Joshua.
Each object representing each person in its own way. The 5 objects that meant the most to the legacy of their time in the class of 4E2.
May the times forever be cherished.

And just like that. Our 800 days were over....
The concept art of my story.

The overworld map. In case the words are too small,
Upper left- Incradia- Directly below- Neadril Island
Bottom left- Singaria
Central- Durnewood
Upper central- George & Mosin-Southeast-Longhorn Island
Right- Priathor
Top Right- Xander
The concept art of the Five's weapons.

Short sword of Damian Teo.
Dress sword of Durnewood officers. Presented to him by the King after his participation in the Dead eye competition.
Diamond coated steel blade with gold plated hilt.
Cloth grip.
Leather scabbard with a gold finish.
Engraved with the seal of Durnewood.

Sword of Joshua Siow.
Composite Steel blade.
Hilt engraved with the Scorpio seal.
Pommel emblazoned with a cross.
Leather scabbard etched with his first name.
Rope grip.
Obtained at the beginning of his journey from his father.

Sword of Samuel Lee.
Folded steel blade.
Stingray skin grip.
Seal of the Incradian forge on hilt.
Black Ivory scabbard with silver trim.
Obtained at the tournament of Champions, before the Incradian betrayal.
The only sword among the five not from Durnewood or George.

Dagger of Kyle Ganapathy.
Simple curved steel blade.
Engraved motto on the base of the blade. "Till the end of time"
Wooden handle complete with ergonomic grip design.
Iron pommel.
Leather scabbard with loop at the base. Easy belt attachment.
Given to him at George before leaving to defend Mosin.

Battle Axe of Shane Meyer.
Steel axe head.
Metal etched grip at base complete with elaborte hand guard.
Bandages attached to shaft as a luck charm.
Leather blade cover. Secured by laces.
Bandages came from those that covered the wounds of Gervace Radrial. Axe-Master of Durnewood, 3 centuries before.
Entrusted to him by the winner of the tree hewing contest after seeing his potential.
These are the main weapons of them. More will be posted up once I draw them properly.

The Celestia. The ship that carried us to and from the war.
Built in Xander and was flown to George where it rested for 20 years.
Crashed four times before due to air blowouts but survived each time.
The flagship of the Princess and her royal guard.
The first airship to break into Incradian territory in the counter invasion.
That concludes the collection of concept art I have so far. But still I would like to continue this post with a few more pictures that are worthy of this blog.

The shards of Falmar.
Entrusted to Kyle by Gordon Lye for his birthday.
Broken in the battle.
Remembered eternally.

In memory of the 5 kings.
The watch of Samuel, The scissors of Shane, The beloved picture of Damian, The pen and book of Kyle, The feather and holy ring of Joshua.
Each object representing each person in its own way. The 5 objects that meant the most to the legacy of their time in the class of 4E2.
May the times forever be cherished.

And just like that. Our 800 days were over....
Last night i was sick. My head was throbbing, my nose running and i couldn't sleep. I had a dream. Dreams of the Silmarillion. The images of the battles and the landscapes. It was like I was there as these two burly men were locked in battle. "Fighting you is like fighting a mongoose who's leg is tied to a pole. And I am the snake." Said one of them. Some old english followed and I cannot recall what he said. But I could've sworn I saw Fingolfin riding as fast as Orome would, on his white steed and his sword hanging from his waist, gleaming like ice. I only read the silmarillion a couple of times before and yet It's in my dreams. Hmm. Perhaps it is an inspiration for the times approaching. But what I couldn't understand was when I was somewhere in between consciousness and sleep. Everytime i shut my eyes, an image of a dark tower or a fortress would appear. The sky above it was covered with grey clouds. Not black. Grey. And lightning flashed in them. Many lights were on in the tower. It was like the scene of a strong castle right before it was sacked by evil and darkness. Inspirational in its ways....The weird thing is, in the silmarillion, there were no images printed.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Tribute to the honoured
Kyle: Terribly sorry for the inconvenience but to access the picture, please use the link above. Thank you.
This is a tribute to those who have walked beside me up until the gates. And also for those who will go with me to saigo no sensou.
To my friends and everyone else who helped, i'd like to thank you for these 1-4 years. Soon it will be the end of all things for me and a few of you. For others, you've only just begun. You have so much to learn and to enjoy. Our part in this story of secondary school life has ended. It is up to you to carry on the text. And for those who will fight by my side at the final battle, may you all lay down your swords at the end with a smile.
With reference to the picture, I shall give a tribute to all of you.
Firstly, to the four other kings
The ju-jitsu gi and belt are dedicated to Joshua Siow. From the days where we threw each other in the dojo to the days where we beat each other up in class. Thanks for the bruises and the bloodshed! Thanks for the friendship as well. Hope we manage to do well for the o levels. We always thought of getting 8 points or lower. Haha. I'm sure we'll kickass anyway. Also hope to join RG one day. Youth masses are cool. Stay crazy but don't get any splinters from cactuses! Thanks for reassuring me of my writing skills and thanks for everything else you helped me out with! P.S- The slappy foo movie is coming out. It features the making of papos and flesh eating haze.
The cricket bat and ball is dedicated to Shane Meyer. He's been the cricket captain for the past 3 years. Since sec 2 if im not wrong. Been in the same class for 2 years now. Has been crazy with his antics such as throwing people's things on the floor and disturbing teachers and classmates alike. (B.P Wong). The best times were when we'd all gather around the place at the left corner of the class during bio period and start singing stuff like George Huff and Stevie Wonder songs. Other memorable moments include the bending of Sujinder's brand new pen and the enterprise fair preparations. I wonder where they kept that trolley. How bout the chewing gum incident? Now theres a classic. Terribly sorry, you know seeing it was my chewing gum. Oh well. Hope you do well too and get that phone you wanted. Or that guitar or whatever else you're gonna buy. Theres physics tomorrow. Pray theres no welcome speech. Thanks for the friendship, the captaincy and the comedy.
The Katana is dedicated to Samuel Lee. His japanese roots inspired me to draw up the ancient sword. Hearing about Japan from him sometimes makes me want to stay away from that place but other times it seems like a superb place to visit. Hopefully one day i'll get to go to somewhere like Hokkaido or Kyoto or some place like that. Anyway, Samuel is quite unorthodox. Not that the rest of us aren't but we all have our own special traits that sets us apart from the rest. He never fails to do well in his sciences. Well except for bio. He's a superdude in Chem and Physics though. He's always one of the top candidates for highest in that subject. He's so good in physics that he can come up with theories of weapons of mass destruction. Oh about that. He kinda wants to destroy the world sometimes but yeah that doesn't stop us from being friends. Thanks for sharing your insights with me and thanks for hearing mine. Like you said, we appear different but we are quite similar in all aspects. And thanks for supporting my writing and for helping me out of depressions too dude. One of the minds with genuine depth that i have come across.
The army uniform, helmet and pistol is dedicated to Damian Teo. Damian has been in the same class as me for four years. I remember in sec 1 and 2 we used to fight during the subject change period. And guess what? We still do that now! Hahah. Chaos in the classroom has never died out. Damian loves the military. So much that he wants to sign on. As a commando. Now that's tough. His knowledge of military weapons, vehicles and personnel are second to no one in this school. Ask him how big a 50 caliber round is and he'll give you the exact measurements. We're gonna make it to commandos dude! And we'll be killing people with our knives, not even firing a single bullet. Thanks for being a friend for 4 years man. Has been a cool ride on the patrician bus but soon it'll end. Thanks for helping to cheer me up when i was pissed off and thanks for the reminders of cartoon network every now and then. Haha. Take care and hope we all meet again in the next level.
The five kings will always have their fellowship. Whether in Japan, America, Australia or Singapore, we always will remain, the kings of the world, and friends.
Secondly, to the extended family.
The American Eagles T-Shirt and volleyball are dedicated to Tessa Tham. You may be a million miles away in Canada but you're still a cool friend to me. You've always been a joy to talk to. Whether it's listening to my rants and raves, chatting about the peeps in Singapore or your everyday school life way up north. It has always been fun. Your style and fashion sense is way better than anyone I know over here. Haha that should count for something. To sum it all up, you are superrrrrfantabulous! Thanks for being there to listen when I just needed to vent and thanks for telling me that i was talented even though i didn't really think i was. I had to add you into this tribute. Though you deserve something much more than a doodle on a paper and text on a blog. Thanks for the friendship and the smiles. (:
P.S- I know you'll make the team for volleyball the next time you try. I have a hunch. Haha. Or anything else you may wanna do. Give it the best shot ya got in you.
The bloody knife on the black and silver shawl is dedicated to Gisella. Well it represents the usual styles of your writings. The dark, somewhat gothic and somewhat romantic at times. I've enjoyed sharing my pieces with you and getting to read yours in return. They are thought provoking, sometimes leaving the reader to think but still unable to find the true meaning. I like that. Mysterious. Haha. I don't mean that in a bad implication of course. A cambridge examiner would be proud of the stuff i've read from you. Thanks alot for your support and for telling me that i really can write. It means alot for someone to tell me that he/she appreciates my work. Haha. And I appreciate yours too. Never been a dull moment talking to ya. Hope you fair well in the eoys this year and your final battle the next. You'll do fine. Take it easy. *Thumbs up*
P.S- Remember our 80-20 deal for the motion picture of your story! Cept this time, I get 80. Heheheh.
The acorn is dedicated to you Ying. Since PESA, you've always treated me like one of your pals. Even though i never was part of the cdc or the debates or the PESA competition. You still treated me as an equal. I really respect that. Your friendship is an invaluable asset to me now. You've been there to listen to me when I was depressed over my being and even though i talked for about close to an hour, you still listened patiently. Where else could I have gone. You're always there to cheer me up and that's something I will never forget. It's good to see that you're doing alright for now in sec 3. I know you've encountered problems similar to mine too. But like you said. It's all about being strong. Strength is da key. And it'll be all right. Won't it? Haha. I wish ya all the best for the eoy's this year and also for the o's the following year. Don't stress yourself over them. They are just another exam. But don't be complacent like me either. Take care alright? Oh by the way if you're wondering why its an acorn its coz of your display picture.
P.S- Take care of Mr. Pain. He has razor sharp edges! You'd win the gold medal in cheer upping any day. And that isn't a word. I made it up.
The manga comic, rectangular spectacles and shuriken are for Wei Jie. Well, we haven't really treated you the best. Especially with Shane's comments and all but I guess beneath your blur frame, you're still an okay guy. How bout that time you gave me a few thousand zeny or that time you bought me that hat for christmas. (It was in an online game). Also when you helped me to train my character and such. That may be in a game but that still shows you got some friendship in you dude. Keep working and one day you may just become a ninja! You had better study for your o's this time man. If not i'll steal your Naruto discs and throw them in the canal. Take care dude. And good luck once again.
P.S- perhaps i'll play ragnarok again soon.
The pool cue and the pool balls are dedicated to Amanda Ang. It's been quite a long time since we've really talked. However our friendship dates 3 years back. It's been nice knowing you all those years. I remember alot actually. The drums, the time you were going to buy your new pencil box, the time you wanted to buy the lance armstrong band? Haha. It has been a while. Well you're one of the people who has known me through secondary school life. Mostly at least. Don't worry about your results, I'm sure you can do well. You have been doing alright before. Good luck for your o levels and hopefully i'll see you in the next level. Or around. Haha.
P.S-You owe me a game of pool.
The carved wood without a doubt, refers to you. You know who you are. I don't even know if you're here reading this right now but i'm still putting you in my tribute because i can't forget that stuff you had done for me earlier. And I thank you for that. I will say no more because anything i say is not justified to be true after this statement. I still consider you a friend and someone who has supported me. I can't compare to your other friends or those you had mentioned on you blog. I was once on that list but i guess my honour has been lost. However the least I can do is give you the honour you deserve for those 2 years of friendship that you had used up on me. So thats how long forever lasts. Hm. Thank you for everything.
And I shall not forget you nor fail to reward you for being there for me. All of you will be remembered. I will stay with you till the end and I hope you will do the same for me.
Thirdly, to the direct family
The anchor is dedicated to my brother Kurt Ganapathy. I've known this guy since I was born. Well obviously since he is my brother. Anyway, we've traveled the world from wonderful lands to paradise and fought the law at the crossroads. We won that time but we got arrested about a month later for selling counterfeit sushi to the Japanese. There was also that stint we had in UN. Though i wouldn't really call it a stint. It was more like us showing up and being escorted away from the building in Geneva. So here we are now stuck with our deadbeat lives. An O level student and an NSman. What an exciting duo. At least you get to play with morse code thingys while I wait in fear for the papers to come. Out of everyone here, I probably known you the longest. 16 years man. Who can be that? Second to Jimmy Page in guitar skills and one of the best damn writers in the world. Don't believe me? Why don't you axe Tony Blair? He'll direct you to his blog site and you'll read it. Or you could just go to his link on my blog. Worth a read. Really. I shall end your tribute in the words of Rick James. Cocaine is a hell of a drug, and a chingachangchung! Have fun in the navy! Thanks for da brothahood.
Lastly, to the masses.
The sitemeter with the number 358 on it is dedicated to all those who visit my blog and share in my world of fantasy. I would not write more than a word if it wasn't for all of you. Thanks for the support.
The plastered heart is for all those who stood by me when love splintered it in two. Countless times. You've always been there to puch be back onto my horse and send me back to joust another day. You guys are the people I will hold close to the heart. After all, you're gonna need to help me again once I get my heart broken again. Heheh
Te open book with the pencil in it is dedicated to the people who patted me on the back and told me, Kyle, don't worry you can write. You all know who you are. Each and every one of you. I appreciate you and the support you give my writing. Without you, I would be a crazy man writing on the wall for no one to read. You are and forever will be, My peeps!
The sheets of paper with the broken pencil is dedicated to all our unfinished stories. For me, it was Tulem's fantasy (Primary 6) The Barpanti's order (Sec1-Sec2) Raedric Moon (Sec3) and most recently War of the schools ( Sec 4). For Samuel it was Wings. And now, you have to finish that well written tale of No title prologue. or better known as the last love story of humanity. It will be a good read. Joshua, you have to finish the invaders. All good stories must have an end. Or there would be no purpose. Gisella, you must complete your story. The one about the uhm...domestic escort! I promise that it'll make it to the stands. I pray that one day, all our written works shall be finished, and that we will bind the sheets of paper together and glue the pencil back in place. That way, every idea we ever thought shall go down into paper and the people will share in our minds, the thoughts that created a realm of fantasy for ourselves. We shall finish them. And they will be great.
A tribute to everyone I care about. You all shall be treated as royalty in my kingdom. And you shall always, always be great.
Thanks for the memories...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
skies of peach.
The Celestia drifted dreamily through the blue sky high above the lands of George. It was tranquil and calm. Light breezes tickled the faces of those on board and the sound of the propellers chopping through the air went in rhythm with the flapping sail above. Shane hung his legs over the starboard end of the deck. "Wooo! Look at how high up we are!" He excitedly proclaimed.
Damian took a seat next to him and held on to the guardrails, "Yeah! We can't even see the ground from up here!"
"That's because we're flying over the ocean now..." Samuel said as he carefully read an old, worn out map.
Shane turned and looked at Samuel and paused for about three seconds. "Shut up!" he retorted and continued gazing into the clouds below.
Kyle and Joshua stomped around the center of the deck, practicing hand to hand combat moves. "Hey! I didn't hit you that hard!" Kyle exclaimed after receiving a solid punch to the back.
He returned the favor by clubbing Joshua in the arm. "Argh!" he cried out after falling hard onto the wooden deck, "I'm dying!"
"Okay time out you two." Samuel said irritably as he glanced up from his map, "We can't afford any casualties up here."
Joshua and Kyle walked down to where Shane and Damian sat, clutching their injuries. The captain of the ship waved to Samuel from the bridge and rang the pull-bell beside him. He responded with a thumbs up and a wave. Turning to the others, he rolled up the map and took a seat on the wooden boards beside him. "He's taking the ship down now." he said casually.
"That was a fast trip." Joshua said
"We haven't completed the trip yet. We have to make a stop off first. Then it's three days on from there." Samuel replied.
"Oh. Where are we stopping again?"
Samuel stared at Joshua and then let out an exasperated sigh. "Didn't I tell you all three times that we have to pick up the Princess from Durnewood?"
"Oh no, not her!" Kyle said.
"Why do we have to pick her up?" Shane asked.
"Because we're her royal escorts!" Samuel shouted as he hit one of the boards with his fist.
They let out simultaneous groans as they leant back. " So now we have to pick her up and be nice to her. Great!" Damian said as he stamped his foot.
"It won't be so bad. Geoff will be boarding as well. He'll keep her busy." Samuel reassured them.
"More like she'll keep him busy. Imagine all that squealing and dancing he'll have to endure. Poor Geoff. I'm starting to feel sorry for him being the prince-to-be." Kyle added with a laugh.
The airship started to dip downwards a little and Joshua began to slide along the deck. "Whoa! Alright, I think it's time to go into the cabin. Don't want to wake up 600 feet underwater." said Joshua as he pulled himself back to his feet with the guardrail.
The ship was preparing to land. It began it's slow descent, passing through the barriers of clouds, which made the cabin feel like a straw shack at winter time. Through the windows of the cabin, the lands of Durnewood started to appear. The first landmark that could be seen was the very obvious Tower, right in the heart of the palace. Durnewood was an extravagantly decorated city. It had colourful streamers hanging from the roofs of the palace and the houses around it. There were many large balloons painted red and yellow floating in the air, tied to the ground by ropes. “Only the Princess could come up with decorations like this.” Damian said with a smirk on his face.
Flowers littered the gardens, all in the shades of pink and yellow. The whole area below them looked like a fairyland. The Celestia pulled down to tree level. And even the mighty oaks had red ribbons hanging from their branches. “Welcome to Penny Land.” Said Kyle looking with disbelief.
The captain and crew threw the landing ropes over the sides of the ship and the ground crew helped to secure them to the posts on each side of the ship. After the ropes were tied tightly, a ramp was wheeled out to the deck. “Okay, you can get off now. We’ll be waiting here so take your time.” The captain said with a friendly smile.
“Thanks! We’ll be right out.” Joshua said with a wave.
The doors of the palace opened and they stepped into the halls. White marble tiled the floor and intricately carved stone pillars supported the level above them. There was a huge central fountain in the hall, with three levels of mini waterfalls complete with a statue of the princess standing on the very top of it. “Well you have to admit, the fountain is nice.” Shane said as he watched the water flow hypnotically.
Joshua threw a coin into the fountain as they walked past it and toward a wooden door in which many crystals and jewels were embedded. They glittered against the backdrop of the dark brown door, resembling the night sky. The doorknockers were silver and the handles were of gold. Never had they seen such an elaborately fashioned door way before. The two guards on either side of the frame bowed to the 5 of them and pulled the door open, with great effort. It was the entrance to the throne room. Kyle sighed as he took the first step in. A flight of about 10 steps led up to the white throne. To the left and about 5 steps below it lay another, smaller throne. Both were empty and there wasn’t anyone in the whole room. “So…Where is she?” Kyle asked as he looked around.
Shane shrugged and began to look around as well. “Hey friends!!” squealed a loud but melodic voice.
Kyle closed his eyes and rubbed his head with the back of his hand. “We found her.”
“Oh how wonderful it is to see all of you!” She said with a wide smile on her face, “I picked fresh rose petals for you!”
She began to throw the petals in the air around the five of them, humming a tune as she pranced about the room. Damian couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Geoff walked up to them with an uncomfortable smile on his face. “Well, welcome to the palace.” He said as he broke out into hysterics as the petals covered the clothes and hair of the others.
“Very funny Geoff. You’re a natural court jester.” Samuel said.
“Me a jester? You’re the ones with petals on your heads!” he replied as he fell to the floor with laughter.
Kyle picked up a handful of them and threw them at Geoff. “Flower fight!” Joshua exclaimed as he jumped onto Kyle knocking him into a pile of the petals. Samuel flicked one into Shane’s face and he was quickly met with a takedown onto the now pink carpeted floor. They tossed up the petals creating a swirl of pink confetti. The room was filled with laughter and smiles as the rose petals settled onto the marble. “Oh act your age you guys.” Nydia said as she walked into the throne room.
“Nydia you’re here! What a surprise!” Kyle said as he spat out a mouthful of rose.
“Somebody has to keep an eye on you all while we’re out there.” She said as she walked up to them.
“Keep an eye on us? What ever for?” Geoff asked as he dusted off the petals from his cloak.
“Well if you’re doing stuff like this now, who knows what else you would do. Perhaps jump off the airship?” Nydia replied as she kneeled down next to Kyle.
Kyle grabbed a handful of the petals from the ground. “You’re too serious sometimes. Why don’t you take it easy sometimes?” he said as he sprinkled them over her head.
“But don’t become too easy going. Or you’ll become like her.” Damian whispered and pointed at Penny.
Samuel stood up and took out a notebook. “Well our next stop will be at the airship terminus. That’s about a day’s travel from here.”
Geoff got up as well, “We should be off then. Come princess let’s board the Celestia.” He said as he took Penny by the hand.
“Oh we’re going to fly? How wonderful!” she squealed as she skipped alongside him.
Nydia waited till they were outside the room. “Kyle, I know you guys don’t really like her that much but this time you’re her Royal bodyguards. So please try and be nice to her alright? She puts a lot of trust in all of you.”
“She does? That’s good to hear I guess.” He replied as he scratched his head, “Okay I’ll be nice to her this time. Only because you asked nicely.”
Nydia smiled and patted him on the cheek, “Theres a good boy.”
Shane, Joshua and Damian began to snicker behind him as Nydia walked out of the room as well. “Go ahead and laugh. We’ll see who gets a blanket full of ice later!” Kyle said as he walked out.
They boarded the airship once again. Penny started to spring around the deck like a ballet dancer as Geoff followed close behind. The others took their seats in the order in which they originally were. Nydia leaned on the guardrail as the crew helped to untie the supports. “All ready for take off!” The captain bellowed.
“Aye aye captain!” Shane responded with a salute.
The propellers began to move and the ship began to climb into the air. Penny scurried over to the side and waved to the ground crew. Still holding some petals from earlier on, she threw them down. Before long, the engines were full ahead and the Celestia ascended into the sky, leaving the city of Durnewood behind. “I’m going to miss my palace.” Penny said, starting to tear, “I don’t want to leave!”.
She ran up to Geoff and began to cry into his shirt. “There, there Princess. We’ll be back in a week.” He said as he patted her on the back.
“How old is she again?” Joshua asked as he looked on.
“She is as old as us. Though she acts like she’s five.” Shane replied.
Kyle sat against the guardrail, holding the wooden support tightly, as he watched Durnewood disappear from sight. Soon enough, the clouds blocked all vision of the lands below and once again, they were high up in the sky as they were initially.
The sun grew dimmer as they ascended, giving the air a misty atmosphere. Penny recovered from her tears almost as quickly as she had begun crying. “Have you ever been so high that you could touch the clouds?” She sang in a strange tune as she spun around the main deck.
Geoff grabbed her hand once more and tried to force her to stay still. “Princess, I don’t think an airship is the ideal place to be jumping around like that.”
“Geoff I love this ship! Buy it for me!” she said as she took both of Geoff’s hands and twirled around with him.
“Okay easy now, easy!” Geoff said as he almost lost balance.
Kyle laughed at the sight and so did the others. “I guess she can be kind of cute sometimes” Damian said.
Samuel, Shane and Joshua turned and looked at him with their mouths wide open. “Surely you jest” Shane said.
“Hey. Damian is kind of right. Penny can be annoying sometimes but she is nice too. She cares in her own special…childish ways.” Kyle said as he got up off the guard rail.
“I guess. But she still acts weird.” Said Samuel, carving his name into the wooden floorboard.
“I’m going to talk to Nydia for a while. See you in a bit my friends.” Kyle said as he patted Samuel on the back and ruffled Damian’s hair.
“Be back in time for dinner. We have Taquitos tonight!” Shane called out to him as he walked across the deck.
Kyle waved back to them and walked across the deck, avoiding Penny’s spirals and twists. Nydia was daydreaming as she rested her head on her hands, gazing out into the clouds. “Nice sky isn’t it?” Kyle said as he took his place beside her.
“Yeah. I like traveling on airships. Where else can a girl fly?” She replied as she leaned closer to him.
On the other side of the deck, Shane and Samuel were debating over which route to take once they landed. Many “Shut up!” notions were heard. The two of them were like oil and water sometimes. But like the rest, they were good friends. Joshua and Damian both hung their legs over the ship’s side as they did earlier and chatted and laughed about the past adventures. Kyle smiled as he looked back at them. Nothing had changed their friendships even though they had been through hell and high water together. “Kyle?” Nydia called him.
He turned around quickly, “Yes Nydia?
“I want to go up to the crows nest. Would you be so kind as to escort me up?” she asked, tittering slightly.
“Sure. Why not? Let’s go then.” Kyle said as he started to walk in the direction of the rope ladders.
The rope ladders led up to the main mast where the crows nest was perched. The highest lookout point of the Celestia. He took the first step up the ladder and extended his hand.
“Careful now.” He said gently as she grabbed his hand and pulled herself up as well.
“Relax. I can take care of myself. I’m not your average girl you know.” she said slightly haughtily.
They climbed side by side up to the wooden canopy. Her dress posing a bit of a hindrance in climbing the ladder. They reached the top in a short time nonetheless. Nydia hopped into the crows nest and stretched out as she took in a deep breath of fresh air. The sun had just begun to set and it gave the sky a pinkish hue with spots of blue still around it. “The only thing better than watching a sunset is watching it from the sky itself.” Nydia said as she leaned forward.
“Another thing better than that is watching it from the sky itself with someone you treasure.” Kyle said quietly.
She turned, cocked her head and gave Kyle a surprised look. Then, she laughed and leaned back against him. “The sky reminds me of the colour of the peaches in spring. A mix of delicate pink and boisterous orange. It’s beautiful.” She said as she looked ahead.
“A peach coloured sky. That’s new.” Kyle said, sitting against the edge of the canopy, holding her against his lap.
The Celestia’s propellers chopped peacefully once again and the breeze was nice. It was almost a perfect end to the day. The captain rang the pull-bell and Kyle turned around. “Dinner is ready everyone!” he announced, “Please enter the cabin’s mess for your meals.”
Down below, Shane, Joshua, Samuel and Damian sped into the cabin, knocking into each other as they ran in. Geoff pulled Penny by the arm and dragged her in with him. “Well, it’s time for dinner. Shall we go?” Kyle asked.
“I think I’ll stay up here for a while.” Nydia replied, still gazing ahead.
“Would you like me to stay up here with you then?”
“No. You’re going to get me a sandwich baby.” She replied with a mischievous grin.
Kyle smiled back at her, “Anything for you sweetness.”
Nydia stroked his hair softly and then turned around again. Kyle hopped out of the canopy and slid down the rope ladder to the deck below. The Celestia glided smoothly through the skies of peach, like a dragon soaring through the mist of the mountains. And as the rudders flapped and the wind whistled around the sail, it coasted into the sunset beyond, with a cargo of high spirits and 8 heroes.
Damian took a seat next to him and held on to the guardrails, "Yeah! We can't even see the ground from up here!"
"That's because we're flying over the ocean now..." Samuel said as he carefully read an old, worn out map.
Shane turned and looked at Samuel and paused for about three seconds. "Shut up!" he retorted and continued gazing into the clouds below.
Kyle and Joshua stomped around the center of the deck, practicing hand to hand combat moves. "Hey! I didn't hit you that hard!" Kyle exclaimed after receiving a solid punch to the back.
He returned the favor by clubbing Joshua in the arm. "Argh!" he cried out after falling hard onto the wooden deck, "I'm dying!"
"Okay time out you two." Samuel said irritably as he glanced up from his map, "We can't afford any casualties up here."
Joshua and Kyle walked down to where Shane and Damian sat, clutching their injuries. The captain of the ship waved to Samuel from the bridge and rang the pull-bell beside him. He responded with a thumbs up and a wave. Turning to the others, he rolled up the map and took a seat on the wooden boards beside him. "He's taking the ship down now." he said casually.
"That was a fast trip." Joshua said
"We haven't completed the trip yet. We have to make a stop off first. Then it's three days on from there." Samuel replied.
"Oh. Where are we stopping again?"
Samuel stared at Joshua and then let out an exasperated sigh. "Didn't I tell you all three times that we have to pick up the Princess from Durnewood?"
"Oh no, not her!" Kyle said.
"Why do we have to pick her up?" Shane asked.
"Because we're her royal escorts!" Samuel shouted as he hit one of the boards with his fist.
They let out simultaneous groans as they leant back. " So now we have to pick her up and be nice to her. Great!" Damian said as he stamped his foot.
"It won't be so bad. Geoff will be boarding as well. He'll keep her busy." Samuel reassured them.
"More like she'll keep him busy. Imagine all that squealing and dancing he'll have to endure. Poor Geoff. I'm starting to feel sorry for him being the prince-to-be." Kyle added with a laugh.
The airship started to dip downwards a little and Joshua began to slide along the deck. "Whoa! Alright, I think it's time to go into the cabin. Don't want to wake up 600 feet underwater." said Joshua as he pulled himself back to his feet with the guardrail.
The ship was preparing to land. It began it's slow descent, passing through the barriers of clouds, which made the cabin feel like a straw shack at winter time. Through the windows of the cabin, the lands of Durnewood started to appear. The first landmark that could be seen was the very obvious Tower, right in the heart of the palace. Durnewood was an extravagantly decorated city. It had colourful streamers hanging from the roofs of the palace and the houses around it. There were many large balloons painted red and yellow floating in the air, tied to the ground by ropes. “Only the Princess could come up with decorations like this.” Damian said with a smirk on his face.
Flowers littered the gardens, all in the shades of pink and yellow. The whole area below them looked like a fairyland. The Celestia pulled down to tree level. And even the mighty oaks had red ribbons hanging from their branches. “Welcome to Penny Land.” Said Kyle looking with disbelief.
The captain and crew threw the landing ropes over the sides of the ship and the ground crew helped to secure them to the posts on each side of the ship. After the ropes were tied tightly, a ramp was wheeled out to the deck. “Okay, you can get off now. We’ll be waiting here so take your time.” The captain said with a friendly smile.
“Thanks! We’ll be right out.” Joshua said with a wave.
The doors of the palace opened and they stepped into the halls. White marble tiled the floor and intricately carved stone pillars supported the level above them. There was a huge central fountain in the hall, with three levels of mini waterfalls complete with a statue of the princess standing on the very top of it. “Well you have to admit, the fountain is nice.” Shane said as he watched the water flow hypnotically.
Joshua threw a coin into the fountain as they walked past it and toward a wooden door in which many crystals and jewels were embedded. They glittered against the backdrop of the dark brown door, resembling the night sky. The doorknockers were silver and the handles were of gold. Never had they seen such an elaborately fashioned door way before. The two guards on either side of the frame bowed to the 5 of them and pulled the door open, with great effort. It was the entrance to the throne room. Kyle sighed as he took the first step in. A flight of about 10 steps led up to the white throne. To the left and about 5 steps below it lay another, smaller throne. Both were empty and there wasn’t anyone in the whole room. “So…Where is she?” Kyle asked as he looked around.
Shane shrugged and began to look around as well. “Hey friends!!” squealed a loud but melodic voice.
Kyle closed his eyes and rubbed his head with the back of his hand. “We found her.”
“Oh how wonderful it is to see all of you!” She said with a wide smile on her face, “I picked fresh rose petals for you!”
She began to throw the petals in the air around the five of them, humming a tune as she pranced about the room. Damian couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Geoff walked up to them with an uncomfortable smile on his face. “Well, welcome to the palace.” He said as he broke out into hysterics as the petals covered the clothes and hair of the others.
“Very funny Geoff. You’re a natural court jester.” Samuel said.
“Me a jester? You’re the ones with petals on your heads!” he replied as he fell to the floor with laughter.
Kyle picked up a handful of them and threw them at Geoff. “Flower fight!” Joshua exclaimed as he jumped onto Kyle knocking him into a pile of the petals. Samuel flicked one into Shane’s face and he was quickly met with a takedown onto the now pink carpeted floor. They tossed up the petals creating a swirl of pink confetti. The room was filled with laughter and smiles as the rose petals settled onto the marble. “Oh act your age you guys.” Nydia said as she walked into the throne room.
“Nydia you’re here! What a surprise!” Kyle said as he spat out a mouthful of rose.
“Somebody has to keep an eye on you all while we’re out there.” She said as she walked up to them.
“Keep an eye on us? What ever for?” Geoff asked as he dusted off the petals from his cloak.
“Well if you’re doing stuff like this now, who knows what else you would do. Perhaps jump off the airship?” Nydia replied as she kneeled down next to Kyle.
Kyle grabbed a handful of the petals from the ground. “You’re too serious sometimes. Why don’t you take it easy sometimes?” he said as he sprinkled them over her head.
“But don’t become too easy going. Or you’ll become like her.” Damian whispered and pointed at Penny.
Samuel stood up and took out a notebook. “Well our next stop will be at the airship terminus. That’s about a day’s travel from here.”
Geoff got up as well, “We should be off then. Come princess let’s board the Celestia.” He said as he took Penny by the hand.
“Oh we’re going to fly? How wonderful!” she squealed as she skipped alongside him.
Nydia waited till they were outside the room. “Kyle, I know you guys don’t really like her that much but this time you’re her Royal bodyguards. So please try and be nice to her alright? She puts a lot of trust in all of you.”
“She does? That’s good to hear I guess.” He replied as he scratched his head, “Okay I’ll be nice to her this time. Only because you asked nicely.”
Nydia smiled and patted him on the cheek, “Theres a good boy.”
Shane, Joshua and Damian began to snicker behind him as Nydia walked out of the room as well. “Go ahead and laugh. We’ll see who gets a blanket full of ice later!” Kyle said as he walked out.
They boarded the airship once again. Penny started to spring around the deck like a ballet dancer as Geoff followed close behind. The others took their seats in the order in which they originally were. Nydia leaned on the guardrail as the crew helped to untie the supports. “All ready for take off!” The captain bellowed.
“Aye aye captain!” Shane responded with a salute.
The propellers began to move and the ship began to climb into the air. Penny scurried over to the side and waved to the ground crew. Still holding some petals from earlier on, she threw them down. Before long, the engines were full ahead and the Celestia ascended into the sky, leaving the city of Durnewood behind. “I’m going to miss my palace.” Penny said, starting to tear, “I don’t want to leave!”.
She ran up to Geoff and began to cry into his shirt. “There, there Princess. We’ll be back in a week.” He said as he patted her on the back.
“How old is she again?” Joshua asked as he looked on.
“She is as old as us. Though she acts like she’s five.” Shane replied.
Kyle sat against the guardrail, holding the wooden support tightly, as he watched Durnewood disappear from sight. Soon enough, the clouds blocked all vision of the lands below and once again, they were high up in the sky as they were initially.
The sun grew dimmer as they ascended, giving the air a misty atmosphere. Penny recovered from her tears almost as quickly as she had begun crying. “Have you ever been so high that you could touch the clouds?” She sang in a strange tune as she spun around the main deck.
Geoff grabbed her hand once more and tried to force her to stay still. “Princess, I don’t think an airship is the ideal place to be jumping around like that.”
“Geoff I love this ship! Buy it for me!” she said as she took both of Geoff’s hands and twirled around with him.
“Okay easy now, easy!” Geoff said as he almost lost balance.
Kyle laughed at the sight and so did the others. “I guess she can be kind of cute sometimes” Damian said.
Samuel, Shane and Joshua turned and looked at him with their mouths wide open. “Surely you jest” Shane said.
“Hey. Damian is kind of right. Penny can be annoying sometimes but she is nice too. She cares in her own special…childish ways.” Kyle said as he got up off the guard rail.
“I guess. But she still acts weird.” Said Samuel, carving his name into the wooden floorboard.
“I’m going to talk to Nydia for a while. See you in a bit my friends.” Kyle said as he patted Samuel on the back and ruffled Damian’s hair.
“Be back in time for dinner. We have Taquitos tonight!” Shane called out to him as he walked across the deck.
Kyle waved back to them and walked across the deck, avoiding Penny’s spirals and twists. Nydia was daydreaming as she rested her head on her hands, gazing out into the clouds. “Nice sky isn’t it?” Kyle said as he took his place beside her.
“Yeah. I like traveling on airships. Where else can a girl fly?” She replied as she leaned closer to him.
On the other side of the deck, Shane and Samuel were debating over which route to take once they landed. Many “Shut up!” notions were heard. The two of them were like oil and water sometimes. But like the rest, they were good friends. Joshua and Damian both hung their legs over the ship’s side as they did earlier and chatted and laughed about the past adventures. Kyle smiled as he looked back at them. Nothing had changed their friendships even though they had been through hell and high water together. “Kyle?” Nydia called him.
He turned around quickly, “Yes Nydia?
“I want to go up to the crows nest. Would you be so kind as to escort me up?” she asked, tittering slightly.
“Sure. Why not? Let’s go then.” Kyle said as he started to walk in the direction of the rope ladders.
The rope ladders led up to the main mast where the crows nest was perched. The highest lookout point of the Celestia. He took the first step up the ladder and extended his hand.
“Careful now.” He said gently as she grabbed his hand and pulled herself up as well.
“Relax. I can take care of myself. I’m not your average girl you know.” she said slightly haughtily.
They climbed side by side up to the wooden canopy. Her dress posing a bit of a hindrance in climbing the ladder. They reached the top in a short time nonetheless. Nydia hopped into the crows nest and stretched out as she took in a deep breath of fresh air. The sun had just begun to set and it gave the sky a pinkish hue with spots of blue still around it. “The only thing better than watching a sunset is watching it from the sky itself.” Nydia said as she leaned forward.
“Another thing better than that is watching it from the sky itself with someone you treasure.” Kyle said quietly.
She turned, cocked her head and gave Kyle a surprised look. Then, she laughed and leaned back against him. “The sky reminds me of the colour of the peaches in spring. A mix of delicate pink and boisterous orange. It’s beautiful.” She said as she looked ahead.
“A peach coloured sky. That’s new.” Kyle said, sitting against the edge of the canopy, holding her against his lap.
The Celestia’s propellers chopped peacefully once again and the breeze was nice. It was almost a perfect end to the day. The captain rang the pull-bell and Kyle turned around. “Dinner is ready everyone!” he announced, “Please enter the cabin’s mess for your meals.”
Down below, Shane, Joshua, Samuel and Damian sped into the cabin, knocking into each other as they ran in. Geoff pulled Penny by the arm and dragged her in with him. “Well, it’s time for dinner. Shall we go?” Kyle asked.
“I think I’ll stay up here for a while.” Nydia replied, still gazing ahead.
“Would you like me to stay up here with you then?”
“No. You’re going to get me a sandwich baby.” She replied with a mischievous grin.
Kyle smiled back at her, “Anything for you sweetness.”
Nydia stroked his hair softly and then turned around again. Kyle hopped out of the canopy and slid down the rope ladder to the deck below. The Celestia glided smoothly through the skies of peach, like a dragon soaring through the mist of the mountains. And as the rudders flapped and the wind whistled around the sail, it coasted into the sunset beyond, with a cargo of high spirits and 8 heroes.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
White Sails
The gates of geaorge castle opened and the four of them rode in. Tired and battle-worn, they could hardly keep themselves from falling off their horses. The stables were nearby but it still seemed like a far stretch away. With each click of their horses hooves, they grew in weariness. With their remaining strength, they led their steeds into the stable. Without saying anything more they collapsed onto the grass patch outside the door. "Grass. How I missed your terrible taste." said Samuel as he lay face first in the cushy greenery.
"It's better than soil, mud and rainwater. Or whatever else we experienced over the last few days." Shane said.
"I'm just thankful that we're not in that forest anymore. I would have died if i spent another minute there." Kyle added while stretching out.
They suddenly heard a strange sound. Like a grunting sow. "Did you let the pigs out by accident Shane?" Kyle asked as he turned to his left.
He shook his head and pointed to Joshua who was fast asleep. Snoring as usual.
Kyle laughed weakly. His body still aching from the battle. "A nap on the grass beneath the brilliant blue sky. Why not?" he said before shutting his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.
Feathers and blue lights pervaded his dream. The glint of a diamond on the King's ring. A butterfly's landing on a rose petal. Then darkness came and consumed it all but light sprung up once again and filled the sky with colour. The sparkle of green eyes. The shine of blonde hair. The sparkle of green eyes...the shine of blonde hair. "Nyd-...." He exclaimed as he abruptly awoke from his sleep, stopping in mid speech as he realised his consciousness.
"Had a nightmare?" Came a voice.
Kyle raised himself and looked up. "Hey Geoff. Long time no see."
"A week to be exact. Let's get you into the castle eh?" Geoff said with a smile, extending his hand to help Kyle up.
The others had left already and it was already mid-twilight. The sun was still shining brightly but was soon to set. "Where'd the others go?" Kyle asked.
"Well, lets just say they had some personal matters to attend to. Like getting a heck of a scolding."
" A scolding? For what?"
"People tend to overact when they worry for another person's life."
Geoff picked a stone off the ground and threw it into the lake. The ripples gave the water a strobe effect as the sunlight reflected onto the rocks around the lake. "A word of advice. Don't let Nydia see you tonight." he said as he tucked his hands back into his pockets.
"And why not?" Kyle asked again.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she kills you for not telling her about the mission you were on. She was falling to bits with anxiety."
Kyle looked at his feet as they continued to walk. "Well you can't blame me. The last thing she said to me was to go and get myself killed for all she cared. Or something like that."
Geoff laughed cynically. "And you took that seriously? Wow."
Kyle looked at him with a frown. "She wouldn't say something like that and mean it. Not to you at least. She really, really missed you while you were gone. To tell you the truth, we all did." said Geoff as they approached the great steel doors of the keep, "I'm glad that you're back my friend."
Kyle smiled and patted him solidly on the shoulder, "Good to see that you're still doing well."
"As much as I'd like you to come for dinner, you'd better not. Let her cool down with the fact that you're alive."
Kyle sighed as he walked up the steps to the entrance, "Great. No grand welcome I guess."
"Relax. I'll sneak some food into your room when they're not looking." Geoff reassured him, "Now, how did the battle go anyway?"
"Come with me and I shall tell you a tale young master Geoff." He said as he put his arm around his shoulder.
Kyle sat alone in his room that night, writing in his log and cleaning the blade of his sword. He was quickly joined by Samuel, Shane, Joshua and Damian however as "It would be safer if they stuck together" in the words of Joshua. They told Damian all about the battle they had fought. He was somewhat thankful not to have gone, after what happened to the fortress but a part of him wished he was at his friends sides. Nonetheless, he was happy too see them once again and the 5 had become a team once more. "So anyway, I knocked three of them down with my axe, and killed one with my dagger. Then they cowered in fear when I charged towards them and they ran away." Shane boasted, taking a swig from the bottle of wine.
"Yeah right Shane!" Damian replied with a hearty laugh.
Joshua leapt onto the bed, causing Shane to spill some wine on the sheets. "Hey! I'm sleeping on that bed!" Kyle shouted.
"Stop wining!" Joshua said, laughing at his own joke.
Geoff soon came in with a platter of meat, bread and fruits. "Keep it quiet now. I had to lie and say they were for Penny."
"You know, that can be seen as treason to your princess." said Damian.
"Big deal. Whats the worst that could happen? A slap on the wrist?"
Joshua guffawed, "Just don't expect us to cut the rope that you're hanging from."
"Pfft.."Geoff muttered as he smiled and took a seat near the desk.
They finally went to bed at about 3 in the morning. Kyle slept on the single bed while the others lay on the floor and on the armchairs. It was about an hour after dawn that Kyle awoke. He was still tired but he couldn't sleep for some reason. The rest of them snored loudly creating a symphony of grunts. He quietly slipped out the door and closed it lightly. He greeted the chambermaids and servants as he walked down the spiral staircase into the hall. Out of the door and onto the grassy fairways of the castle he went and headed for the lake. The lake was a big one, considering that George castle took up an extremely vast expanse of land. The residents of the villages and the castle would use the lake to sail in their one-man sail boats sometimes. Today, three white sails tossed about in the pristene water. They drifted around the lake like the pondskaters, without making so much as a tiny wake. It was quiet and peaceful there. There was no sound of metal on metal and no sound of whistling arrows. Just the bluebirds in the trees and the soft breaking of water against the sailboat's hull.
Kyle took a seat on a comfortable knoll and watched the sailors tack around the rocks and wave to one another as they passed. He was almost lost in the reflections of the water when something grabbed him by the neck from behind. He tried to turn around but the arm tightened around his throat and his head. "You jackass! What the hell were you thinking?" yelled an extremely irritated voice.
He was beinning to lose breath and started to struggle out of the hold. The grip tightened, "How could you just go like that!"
Kyle bowed forward, throwing the person over his head, landing in front of him.
" Nydia, stop it." He said as he panted and coughed.
"Stop it? You're telling me to stop it?" Nydia said as she crawled forward and grabbed him by the throat from the front this time.
Kyle tried to throw her off but she pinned his arm down with her leg and continued the pressure. She exerted all her strength into her grip, "Why did you leave me without even telling me!"
This time, he really couldn't breathe. "Don't you know how you made me feel when you rode out that gate?" she asked, rage filling her face. " Don't you know how much I worried about you?"
Her frown slowly began to dissapear and the fury that filled her green eyes was replaced by tears. " Don't you know how much I love you?" She said once again as a tear dropped from her face onto her elven dress.
She fell back and began to whimper into her hands. Kyle panted heavily and rubbed his throat. What he saw before him was Nydia, the ever strong, ever bubbly and ever wild girl, weeping. The sorrow that filled her heart was poured in by him. By now, his heart felt as if an anvil had been tied to it. His mouth trembled as he scuffed over to and held her tight. Nydia began to cry even louder into his robe as she folded her arms around him in return. "I'm here Nydia, I survived because of the thought of you."
She paused for a while, lifted her head and through her sobs asked him, "Are you going to leave again?".
"No Nydia. I'm going to look after you." said Kyle as he pressed his forehead against her's, "I promise I'll never leave your side again. Never again."
He held her closer and tighter and she did the same. She sobbed and teared some more as she wriggled in Kyle's arms. He rubbed her back soothingly and stroked her hair gently. " I love you alright?" Nydia said as she raised her head again.
"Alright. And I love you too." he said quietly as he leant forward and touched his lips against her's.
They shared that moment of bliss together. If the world had ended in that instance, it would not have mattered at all. The love they shared, was kindled once again. Kyle smiled at Nydia as he stroked her cheek. She rubbed her eyes, still sobbing and smiled back.
The two of them sat there on the grass, with his arm around her and her head on his shoulder. They sat there, together as one as they watched the white sails dance majestically in the lake. Turning and gliding in the morning sun. "I'll never hurt you again Nydia..." he said, "I'll be your white sail when you are stranded. And I know you'll be the wind that'll set me straight, everytime I go limp."
"It's better than soil, mud and rainwater. Or whatever else we experienced over the last few days." Shane said.
"I'm just thankful that we're not in that forest anymore. I would have died if i spent another minute there." Kyle added while stretching out.
They suddenly heard a strange sound. Like a grunting sow. "Did you let the pigs out by accident Shane?" Kyle asked as he turned to his left.
He shook his head and pointed to Joshua who was fast asleep. Snoring as usual.
Kyle laughed weakly. His body still aching from the battle. "A nap on the grass beneath the brilliant blue sky. Why not?" he said before shutting his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.
Feathers and blue lights pervaded his dream. The glint of a diamond on the King's ring. A butterfly's landing on a rose petal. Then darkness came and consumed it all but light sprung up once again and filled the sky with colour. The sparkle of green eyes. The shine of blonde hair. The sparkle of green eyes...the shine of blonde hair. "Nyd-...." He exclaimed as he abruptly awoke from his sleep, stopping in mid speech as he realised his consciousness.
"Had a nightmare?" Came a voice.
Kyle raised himself and looked up. "Hey Geoff. Long time no see."
"A week to be exact. Let's get you into the castle eh?" Geoff said with a smile, extending his hand to help Kyle up.
The others had left already and it was already mid-twilight. The sun was still shining brightly but was soon to set. "Where'd the others go?" Kyle asked.
"Well, lets just say they had some personal matters to attend to. Like getting a heck of a scolding."
" A scolding? For what?"
"People tend to overact when they worry for another person's life."
Geoff picked a stone off the ground and threw it into the lake. The ripples gave the water a strobe effect as the sunlight reflected onto the rocks around the lake. "A word of advice. Don't let Nydia see you tonight." he said as he tucked his hands back into his pockets.
"And why not?" Kyle asked again.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she kills you for not telling her about the mission you were on. She was falling to bits with anxiety."
Kyle looked at his feet as they continued to walk. "Well you can't blame me. The last thing she said to me was to go and get myself killed for all she cared. Or something like that."
Geoff laughed cynically. "And you took that seriously? Wow."
Kyle looked at him with a frown. "She wouldn't say something like that and mean it. Not to you at least. She really, really missed you while you were gone. To tell you the truth, we all did." said Geoff as they approached the great steel doors of the keep, "I'm glad that you're back my friend."
Kyle smiled and patted him solidly on the shoulder, "Good to see that you're still doing well."
"As much as I'd like you to come for dinner, you'd better not. Let her cool down with the fact that you're alive."
Kyle sighed as he walked up the steps to the entrance, "Great. No grand welcome I guess."
"Relax. I'll sneak some food into your room when they're not looking." Geoff reassured him, "Now, how did the battle go anyway?"
"Come with me and I shall tell you a tale young master Geoff." He said as he put his arm around his shoulder.
Kyle sat alone in his room that night, writing in his log and cleaning the blade of his sword. He was quickly joined by Samuel, Shane, Joshua and Damian however as "It would be safer if they stuck together" in the words of Joshua. They told Damian all about the battle they had fought. He was somewhat thankful not to have gone, after what happened to the fortress but a part of him wished he was at his friends sides. Nonetheless, he was happy too see them once again and the 5 had become a team once more. "So anyway, I knocked three of them down with my axe, and killed one with my dagger. Then they cowered in fear when I charged towards them and they ran away." Shane boasted, taking a swig from the bottle of wine.
"Yeah right Shane!" Damian replied with a hearty laugh.
Joshua leapt onto the bed, causing Shane to spill some wine on the sheets. "Hey! I'm sleeping on that bed!" Kyle shouted.
"Stop wining!" Joshua said, laughing at his own joke.
Geoff soon came in with a platter of meat, bread and fruits. "Keep it quiet now. I had to lie and say they were for Penny."
"You know, that can be seen as treason to your princess." said Damian.
"Big deal. Whats the worst that could happen? A slap on the wrist?"
Joshua guffawed, "Just don't expect us to cut the rope that you're hanging from."
"Pfft.."Geoff muttered as he smiled and took a seat near the desk.
They finally went to bed at about 3 in the morning. Kyle slept on the single bed while the others lay on the floor and on the armchairs. It was about an hour after dawn that Kyle awoke. He was still tired but he couldn't sleep for some reason. The rest of them snored loudly creating a symphony of grunts. He quietly slipped out the door and closed it lightly. He greeted the chambermaids and servants as he walked down the spiral staircase into the hall. Out of the door and onto the grassy fairways of the castle he went and headed for the lake. The lake was a big one, considering that George castle took up an extremely vast expanse of land. The residents of the villages and the castle would use the lake to sail in their one-man sail boats sometimes. Today, three white sails tossed about in the pristene water. They drifted around the lake like the pondskaters, without making so much as a tiny wake. It was quiet and peaceful there. There was no sound of metal on metal and no sound of whistling arrows. Just the bluebirds in the trees and the soft breaking of water against the sailboat's hull.
Kyle took a seat on a comfortable knoll and watched the sailors tack around the rocks and wave to one another as they passed. He was almost lost in the reflections of the water when something grabbed him by the neck from behind. He tried to turn around but the arm tightened around his throat and his head. "You jackass! What the hell were you thinking?" yelled an extremely irritated voice.
He was beinning to lose breath and started to struggle out of the hold. The grip tightened, "How could you just go like that!"
Kyle bowed forward, throwing the person over his head, landing in front of him.
" Nydia, stop it." He said as he panted and coughed.
"Stop it? You're telling me to stop it?" Nydia said as she crawled forward and grabbed him by the throat from the front this time.
Kyle tried to throw her off but she pinned his arm down with her leg and continued the pressure. She exerted all her strength into her grip, "Why did you leave me without even telling me!"
This time, he really couldn't breathe. "Don't you know how you made me feel when you rode out that gate?" she asked, rage filling her face. " Don't you know how much I worried about you?"
Her frown slowly began to dissapear and the fury that filled her green eyes was replaced by tears. " Don't you know how much I love you?" She said once again as a tear dropped from her face onto her elven dress.
She fell back and began to whimper into her hands. Kyle panted heavily and rubbed his throat. What he saw before him was Nydia, the ever strong, ever bubbly and ever wild girl, weeping. The sorrow that filled her heart was poured in by him. By now, his heart felt as if an anvil had been tied to it. His mouth trembled as he scuffed over to and held her tight. Nydia began to cry even louder into his robe as she folded her arms around him in return. "I'm here Nydia, I survived because of the thought of you."
She paused for a while, lifted her head and through her sobs asked him, "Are you going to leave again?".
"No Nydia. I'm going to look after you." said Kyle as he pressed his forehead against her's, "I promise I'll never leave your side again. Never again."
He held her closer and tighter and she did the same. She sobbed and teared some more as she wriggled in Kyle's arms. He rubbed her back soothingly and stroked her hair gently. " I love you alright?" Nydia said as she raised her head again.
"Alright. And I love you too." he said quietly as he leant forward and touched his lips against her's.
They shared that moment of bliss together. If the world had ended in that instance, it would not have mattered at all. The love they shared, was kindled once again. Kyle smiled at Nydia as he stroked her cheek. She rubbed her eyes, still sobbing and smiled back.
The two of them sat there on the grass, with his arm around her and her head on his shoulder. They sat there, together as one as they watched the white sails dance majestically in the lake. Turning and gliding in the morning sun. "I'll never hurt you again Nydia..." he said, "I'll be your white sail when you are stranded. And I know you'll be the wind that'll set me straight, everytime I go limp."
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Warning: Kyle was in one of his ranting moods when he wrote this so he may indirectly offend some of you. And he would like to apologize in advance to anyone who is offended by this post. And he will do your chores for a week. And your taxes.
* This does not apply to the braindead morons that will be covered in this post.
Friendster pisses me off sometimes. It's basically a site that is made with the sole purpose of frustrating the user. Well maybe only me. But that still counts as one. They got this new category under status that says "It's complicated". Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? Look there are only 3 main kind of statuses. Single, Attached or Married. I don't need to know whether you're having a "Domestic Partnership" or an "Open relationship". For goodness sake just state whether you're attached or not. Is that so hard to do? Nobody gives a damn about the extra details. The worst one so far is "It's Complicated". To me, it is redundant and useless to the already buggered up page. What does it even mean anyway, "It's Complicated" ? It's not like its so hard to write single or attached. You know what's complicated? Trying to find a way to prevent myself from kicking my computer screen in. Whats more is that new feature. "Who's viewed me". This is by far the dumbest thing i've seen. Alright, who wants to know who looked at your profile and did not follow through by adding you or any crud like that. I sure as hell don't. It's an insult to an individual's self esteem. "hey look! This hot girl viewed my profile and she left the page within 30 seconds! My life has a new meaning!"For pete's sake I don't want to know who doesn't wanna add me! That thing is bull shiat. They changed the whole template once again. What is this the third...fourth time? I can't even navigate through the page as quickly as before because everything is in a different place. I wouldn't be surprised if I logged in and found a new backdrop after clicking the refresh button. Word limits! Thats another thing. How do you expect me to write something meaningful in the very very short space of a thousand CHARACTERS. Hey, when I ramble on, I don't take any boundaries. I need my freedom damn it! 1000 characters is not enough! Well unless you're one of those brain dead punks that leave testimonials like ****####$$%%%FrEnZZXxxxX 4 EvA!!!##$$%%^^^ Loveangelmusicbabyhellokittyrocksmyworldlilovevondutchcokeandpepsiarethesamething! =X.
That, is the worst type of testimonial you can get. First of all, it is most definitely not personal and is mass produced. What the heck is a testimonial for if its not personal? Secondly, those kind of testimonials have no relevance to the person at all. It defeats the purpose of calling it a testimonial. You may as well call it a pieca crap text post. I am deeply ashamed that I had accepted one of those before and I may have jumped of the tall tower. Unfortunately, there are no tall towers in Singapore. And of course. The ever so popular fools that add people for no good reason cept the fact that they look good. Theres this person that had 12, count em, 12 accounts because people kept adding her based on her profile. Geez man what's the point? Bragging rights? "Hey check out the hot girl! I know her" No you don't know her you moron. You clicked twice and voila. You are connected to her, along with 25000 other idiots. I'm sorry for ranting so much I just feel pissed of because of some people. Sorry make that alot of people. No, no not you peeps. I'm still as pissed as ever about people who fall so easily into relationships. I curse myself for doing that before. These guys go head over heels into an infatuation and come out ripped to bits. Same goes for girls. Please, what are the chances that your fickle ass minds aren't gonna get tired of the significant others? Well I know a few people that have actually taken time. And by time i mean years, to get to know someone and then go for it. Those people are at least smarter than those who jump straight into one without thinking. I support the people who know each other before going into a relationship but I curse those who do it just like that *snaps fingers. I hate that gesture. Brings back terrible terrible memories. Anyway, stop being such idiots and wisen up! This stuff takes time damn it! Even 2 years sometimes aint enough. Believe me I know. To all my friends who actually are attached. And you know who you are, I support you coz I know you actually did look before you leapt. Man that topic has been stuck with me since sec 1 and I never get tired of cursing at these idiots. The next time a girl you met 3 days ago breaks your heart and you come crying to me, I'll just clap my hands and say ,"What a swell party we're having!" You people make me sick! Moving on, on the topic of heartbreaks. You know the movies always show that the guy is always the one that breaks up with the girl and is bad to her and stuff. Yadda yadda yadda. Well I guess that may be true but seriously i have noticed an increasing trend in girls breaking the hearts of guys. Now unless the world spun off its axis and is rotating in the opposite direction, something is up. Of all the examples of relationships that I've seen, including mine, It's the girl. And we didn't do anything! It's like one minute we're happy and stuff and the next minute she tells you. I think we should just be friends. Whats up with that man? Here i am thinking that it would last for like forever and suddenly its over? Strange ain't it. Sad but true. I apologize to the female readers of my blog but i don't mean to offend you in any way. Just bringin up some points. But i guess I was stupid to think stuff like that because like i said before, there is no such thing as forever. It's just like santa claus or superman. Myths really... No matter how much you want it to be true it never will be. Sigh, just like all my writing. Oh well. The life span of forever ranges from the mili second after you say it till about 2 to 3 years after that and then its gone. It never lasts. At least that's what I feel. Who knows? Prove me wrong my friends, prove me wrong. i done yet? Uhh...yeah i suppose so. But I do want to state that i predict a mass war between males and females which would lead to the untimely end of the world. Let me explain. When male pride and women's lib get out of hand. The arms shall come in. And then whoever wins the war gains superiority. and the inferior population would probably die out. Don't ask me why. So it doesn't matter who wins the war. If man wins. Then we have no way to reproduce thus ending the line of humanity. And if woman wins, then, i guess there is that possibilty of them doing that sciencey stuff and reproducing without the male gamete but then again, seriously i think everyone's gonna look the same. I mean it's really close to cloning. Most likely the people would come out looking similar. Lemme depict a scene for you "Hey aren't you that famous performer i saw on tv?" "No...I thought you were!" "Are you serious? Hey that's her! Let's go ask her for an autograph!" "Hang on a minute, that's my sister Jeanie!" "Are you certain? That looks like my sister! In fact, you look like my sister! And so do i!" and so chaos ensues. And I guess the world would be a pretty crappy place if that happens. Well. I guess thats all. And I'm sorry if i had offended thou. I will make ammends. Or at least try to. Really. haha.
* This does not apply to the braindead morons that will be covered in this post.
Friendster pisses me off sometimes. It's basically a site that is made with the sole purpose of frustrating the user. Well maybe only me. But that still counts as one. They got this new category under status that says "It's complicated". Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? Look there are only 3 main kind of statuses. Single, Attached or Married. I don't need to know whether you're having a "Domestic Partnership" or an "Open relationship". For goodness sake just state whether you're attached or not. Is that so hard to do? Nobody gives a damn about the extra details. The worst one so far is "It's Complicated". To me, it is redundant and useless to the already buggered up page. What does it even mean anyway, "It's Complicated" ? It's not like its so hard to write single or attached. You know what's complicated? Trying to find a way to prevent myself from kicking my computer screen in. Whats more is that new feature. "Who's viewed me". This is by far the dumbest thing i've seen. Alright, who wants to know who looked at your profile and did not follow through by adding you or any crud like that. I sure as hell don't. It's an insult to an individual's self esteem. "hey look! This hot girl viewed my profile and she left the page within 30 seconds! My life has a new meaning!"For pete's sake I don't want to know who doesn't wanna add me! That thing is bull shiat. They changed the whole template once again. What is this the third...fourth time? I can't even navigate through the page as quickly as before because everything is in a different place. I wouldn't be surprised if I logged in and found a new backdrop after clicking the refresh button. Word limits! Thats another thing. How do you expect me to write something meaningful in the very very short space of a thousand CHARACTERS. Hey, when I ramble on, I don't take any boundaries. I need my freedom damn it! 1000 characters is not enough! Well unless you're one of those brain dead punks that leave testimonials like ****####$$%%%FrEnZZXxxxX 4 EvA!!!##$$%%^^^ Loveangelmusicbabyhellokittyrocksmyworldlilovevondutchcokeandpepsiarethesamething! =X.
That, is the worst type of testimonial you can get. First of all, it is most definitely not personal and is mass produced. What the heck is a testimonial for if its not personal? Secondly, those kind of testimonials have no relevance to the person at all. It defeats the purpose of calling it a testimonial. You may as well call it a pieca crap text post. I am deeply ashamed that I had accepted one of those before and I may have jumped of the tall tower. Unfortunately, there are no tall towers in Singapore. And of course. The ever so popular fools that add people for no good reason cept the fact that they look good. Theres this person that had 12, count em, 12 accounts because people kept adding her based on her profile. Geez man what's the point? Bragging rights? "Hey check out the hot girl! I know her" No you don't know her you moron. You clicked twice and voila. You are connected to her, along with 25000 other idiots. I'm sorry for ranting so much I just feel pissed of because of some people. Sorry make that alot of people. No, no not you peeps. I'm still as pissed as ever about people who fall so easily into relationships. I curse myself for doing that before. These guys go head over heels into an infatuation and come out ripped to bits. Same goes for girls. Please, what are the chances that your fickle ass minds aren't gonna get tired of the significant others? Well I know a few people that have actually taken time. And by time i mean years, to get to know someone and then go for it. Those people are at least smarter than those who jump straight into one without thinking. I support the people who know each other before going into a relationship but I curse those who do it just like that *snaps fingers. I hate that gesture. Brings back terrible terrible memories. Anyway, stop being such idiots and wisen up! This stuff takes time damn it! Even 2 years sometimes aint enough. Believe me I know. To all my friends who actually are attached. And you know who you are, I support you coz I know you actually did look before you leapt. Man that topic has been stuck with me since sec 1 and I never get tired of cursing at these idiots. The next time a girl you met 3 days ago breaks your heart and you come crying to me, I'll just clap my hands and say ,"What a swell party we're having!" You people make me sick! Moving on, on the topic of heartbreaks. You know the movies always show that the guy is always the one that breaks up with the girl and is bad to her and stuff. Yadda yadda yadda. Well I guess that may be true but seriously i have noticed an increasing trend in girls breaking the hearts of guys. Now unless the world spun off its axis and is rotating in the opposite direction, something is up. Of all the examples of relationships that I've seen, including mine, It's the girl. And we didn't do anything! It's like one minute we're happy and stuff and the next minute she tells you. I think we should just be friends. Whats up with that man? Here i am thinking that it would last for like forever and suddenly its over? Strange ain't it. Sad but true. I apologize to the female readers of my blog but i don't mean to offend you in any way. Just bringin up some points. But i guess I was stupid to think stuff like that because like i said before, there is no such thing as forever. It's just like santa claus or superman. Myths really... No matter how much you want it to be true it never will be. Sigh, just like all my writing. Oh well. The life span of forever ranges from the mili second after you say it till about 2 to 3 years after that and then its gone. It never lasts. At least that's what I feel. Who knows? Prove me wrong my friends, prove me wrong. i done yet? Uhh...yeah i suppose so. But I do want to state that i predict a mass war between males and females which would lead to the untimely end of the world. Let me explain. When male pride and women's lib get out of hand. The arms shall come in. And then whoever wins the war gains superiority. and the inferior population would probably die out. Don't ask me why. So it doesn't matter who wins the war. If man wins. Then we have no way to reproduce thus ending the line of humanity. And if woman wins, then, i guess there is that possibilty of them doing that sciencey stuff and reproducing without the male gamete but then again, seriously i think everyone's gonna look the same. I mean it's really close to cloning. Most likely the people would come out looking similar. Lemme depict a scene for you "Hey aren't you that famous performer i saw on tv?" "No...I thought you were!" "Are you serious? Hey that's her! Let's go ask her for an autograph!" "Hang on a minute, that's my sister Jeanie!" "Are you certain? That looks like my sister! In fact, you look like my sister! And so do i!" and so chaos ensues. And I guess the world would be a pretty crappy place if that happens. Well. I guess thats all. And I'm sorry if i had offended thou. I will make ammends. Or at least try to. Really. haha.
Monday, October 03, 2005
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
I'll have to admit this is pretty true. Yeah I don't need love. But i ain't playin around. haha
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
I'll have to admit. This is pretty true. The last part is half correct. Yeah i don't need love. But I ain't playin around. Haha
Friday, September 30, 2005
Sweat poured down the brows of the 4 of them as they sat in the keep's main hall. Beyond the four pillars, the soldiers were forming a barricade against the great wooden doors as it came under ground shaking blows from the enemy's battering ram on the other side. The once solid wood was beginning to splinter and it's supports were giving way. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before they broke it from it's hinges. Kyle watched the soldiers as they fell back each time the ram came into hard contact with the doors. "There is no hope left." He said as he tightened his grip around his sword, "They are weary from the fighting and cannot hold on much longer."
Joshua let out a sigh and hung his head on his fist. Samuel and Shane were silent. Fear had encompassed all of them. What was on the other side of the doors was a mystery to them. All they knew was that they had broken the defenses of the walls and were now outside the keep, ready to give the final stroke. Kyle lay against the stone steps which led up to the fountain and shut his eyes. Granel, who was pacing up and down the flight of stairs laid down his colossal axe at the foot of the fountain and took a seat next to Kyle. "This could very well be our final stand. They have us surrounded."
Samuel lifted himself from against the wall, "Is there no passage out? "
"Unfortunately, after the women and children had gone, the tunnel was sealed by a falling stone column. There's no way to get in now." Granel replied.
"So what now? We're just going to sit here and die?" Shane burst out.
Everyone turned to look at Granel for his reply. He sighed and repeated once again, "This could very well be our final stand."
The four of them collapsed back down to their prone positions. A large piece of wood broke off from the door and fell onto the barricade of soldiers below as it came under another solid smash.
"So, we give up our lives so that our friends can live to fight another day. This is where our part in this tale comes to a close." Samuel said wistfully.
"I never thought that it would end like this.." said Joshua as he lifted his head slightly.
Granel looked around and saw their faces full of despair and fear. "End? My brave young boys, death is not necessarily the end." He said gently.
The 4 of them looked up at him once again. "What makes you say that?" Shane asked.
"Because life was never the beginning in the first place. All souls come onto this earth from a power higher up than anything in the world. And once the time on this resting ground has ended, it is then time for us to continue the journey, death and beyond."
"What’s beyond death?" Kyle skeptically questioned him.
Granel dropped his head slowly and clasped his hands together. The four of them were just about to return to their hopelessness. He pulled his head up again and said, "A great white light. You see it just before the end. And as you pass it, the past behind you turns to silver and the future ahead of you turns to gold. The lands ahead, where your dreams encircle you and spring to life. You will be reunited with those that you lost. The ones you had loved. You will hold them close once again in those lands beyond and all your hate, sorrow and despair will be released as you touch the water at the white shores. There will be no more to fight for, no more to kill for. Your life after the grim reaper. Your heaven."
The room was silent again, save the sound of the ram. But it was not the same silence as before. The 4 of them were hanging on Granel’s every word. "You must not fear death. It is but your passage into the New World ahead."
"Well. I guess death doesn’t sound so bad now." Joshua said quietly.
"No. It doesn’t does it?" Granel replied with a smile.
They all smiled at one another. For that one moment, at least a portion of their fear had been dropped. But in their hearts, they still clung on to the last ounce of hope they had left.
"If we die today. We die together. And we shall walk the lands of heaven as friends again." Said Kyle.
After he spoke, he took off the pendant that Nydia had given him and laid it in the crystal water of the fountain. He closed his eyes and sighed. Joshua removed his necklace from which hung a feather and placed it beside Kyle’s. Samuel dropped his star shaped pebble in as well, the one that was given to him on the night of the ball. They looked toward Shane. He sat on the steps for a while not wanting to move. Reluctantly, he got up and placed his engraved buckle into the water with the rest. The four of them stood at the edge of the fountain’s steps. Kyle put his fist out into the center and was joined by Joshua’s, then Samuel’s and then Shane’s. They bowed their heads to one another.
"It was always an honor to have you as friends, and comrades in battle." Shane said.
"It has been a good run my friends. And I know we will gather like this once again. Be it in heaven or on earth." Kyle added.
Granel walked up to the fountain as well. He looked up into the skylight and smiled at the blue havens above. Removing his wedding ring from his finger, he carefully placed the ring into the bottom of the fountain, withdrawing his hand slowly and letting the cool water run through his fingers. "I shall see you soon." He whispered to himself.
Granel threw his arms over Shane and Joshua. "Well, it is time. For us there is not much hope. This is our final act, to contribute to the pages of those who will survive us."
"Amen." Joshua said.
They laughed as they walked down the stone steps together. Granel picked up his oversized axe and flung it over his shoulder. Another huge piece of wood broke off from the door and crushed a few soldiers below. It was on it’s last legs. "The door is splintered. Ready your arms." He said as he began to walk toward the four pillars. Kyle and Samuel unsheathed their swords. Shane readied his axe as Joshua held his spear steady. "Lets do this to give our friends a better chance." Joshua said.
"Let’s cripple this army and make it easy pickings for the rest!" Samuel exclaimed
The door came under another huge blow and was half broken. "Come now boys! Let us meet our foe and smite them!" Granel called as he ran toward the group of soldiers at the door.
They ran down to the four pillars and stood beside Granel and a line of about 200 soldiers. " Stay strong. Whatever comes through that door will be brought down!" Granel commanded and the soldiers responded with a bellowing war cry. The door came under one final blow and it flung open, knocking a few soldiers down. Smoke and dust covered the entrance and total silence filled the halls now. Nothing could be seen beyond the great arc. Kyle looked at the others and they nodded back at him. With one cry in unison, the four of them charged forth toward the arc followed by Granel and the soldiers. They charged together still with fear. But the fear subsided with each step they took. The only thing that separated them from the enemy was a cloud of dust. And as the four of them broke through that cloud, they were one step closer to the white shores of heaven and the lands beyond….
-Kyle Ganapathy
An excerpt from the unfinished series "Youngbloods". From the collection of the fantasy pages.
Damian abruptly woke up from his sleep. He looked around the room which he was in. "Where am I? Where the heck is this place?!"
He tried to get up but a sharp pain struck him in the side. He looked down and saw that his abdomen was covered in bandages. "Hey, relax." A familiar voice said.
Damian looked to his right and Geoff stood at the door. "Geoff! Where the heck is this place?"
"Take it easy Damian. You fell from your horse about a day ago. Hadriel found you and brought you here for treatment. This is George castle. We stopped by here before the others went over to the fortress of Mosin " He replied
"But I was supposed to go there! What about Shane and the rest? Are they alright?"
"Last we heard was that they were under attack. We don’t know if they were able to make it out."
"That’s it, I’m riding there now. Tell them to saddle up Fergy."
Damian tried to get up once again but was hampered by the pain in his side. He fell off the bed onto the floor.
"You won’t be going anywhere for now. Hadriel and Judith went to scout the area. All we can do now is pray for them." Geoff said as he helped him back up onto the bed. "Rest up, we may need to ride to battle in a few days as well."
Damian got back into bed. "This is stupid." He said as he hit the pillow beside him, " Alright I’ll stay here. But the least you can do is get me some water."
"You have some of Penny’s potato juice right there."
"Potato juice? Yuck! Anything but that!"
"Direct orders from the princess. Drink up!" said Geoff as he laughed and turned to leave.
"Bastard." said Damian as he tucked himself back under the blanket.
Joshua let out a sigh and hung his head on his fist. Samuel and Shane were silent. Fear had encompassed all of them. What was on the other side of the doors was a mystery to them. All they knew was that they had broken the defenses of the walls and were now outside the keep, ready to give the final stroke. Kyle lay against the stone steps which led up to the fountain and shut his eyes. Granel, who was pacing up and down the flight of stairs laid down his colossal axe at the foot of the fountain and took a seat next to Kyle. "This could very well be our final stand. They have us surrounded."
Samuel lifted himself from against the wall, "Is there no passage out? "
"Unfortunately, after the women and children had gone, the tunnel was sealed by a falling stone column. There's no way to get in now." Granel replied.
"So what now? We're just going to sit here and die?" Shane burst out.
Everyone turned to look at Granel for his reply. He sighed and repeated once again, "This could very well be our final stand."
The four of them collapsed back down to their prone positions. A large piece of wood broke off from the door and fell onto the barricade of soldiers below as it came under another solid smash.
"So, we give up our lives so that our friends can live to fight another day. This is where our part in this tale comes to a close." Samuel said wistfully.
"I never thought that it would end like this.." said Joshua as he lifted his head slightly.
Granel looked around and saw their faces full of despair and fear. "End? My brave young boys, death is not necessarily the end." He said gently.
The 4 of them looked up at him once again. "What makes you say that?" Shane asked.
"Because life was never the beginning in the first place. All souls come onto this earth from a power higher up than anything in the world. And once the time on this resting ground has ended, it is then time for us to continue the journey, death and beyond."
"What’s beyond death?" Kyle skeptically questioned him.
Granel dropped his head slowly and clasped his hands together. The four of them were just about to return to their hopelessness. He pulled his head up again and said, "A great white light. You see it just before the end. And as you pass it, the past behind you turns to silver and the future ahead of you turns to gold. The lands ahead, where your dreams encircle you and spring to life. You will be reunited with those that you lost. The ones you had loved. You will hold them close once again in those lands beyond and all your hate, sorrow and despair will be released as you touch the water at the white shores. There will be no more to fight for, no more to kill for. Your life after the grim reaper. Your heaven."
The room was silent again, save the sound of the ram. But it was not the same silence as before. The 4 of them were hanging on Granel’s every word. "You must not fear death. It is but your passage into the New World ahead."
"Well. I guess death doesn’t sound so bad now." Joshua said quietly.
"No. It doesn’t does it?" Granel replied with a smile.
They all smiled at one another. For that one moment, at least a portion of their fear had been dropped. But in their hearts, they still clung on to the last ounce of hope they had left.
"If we die today. We die together. And we shall walk the lands of heaven as friends again." Said Kyle.
After he spoke, he took off the pendant that Nydia had given him and laid it in the crystal water of the fountain. He closed his eyes and sighed. Joshua removed his necklace from which hung a feather and placed it beside Kyle’s. Samuel dropped his star shaped pebble in as well, the one that was given to him on the night of the ball. They looked toward Shane. He sat on the steps for a while not wanting to move. Reluctantly, he got up and placed his engraved buckle into the water with the rest. The four of them stood at the edge of the fountain’s steps. Kyle put his fist out into the center and was joined by Joshua’s, then Samuel’s and then Shane’s. They bowed their heads to one another.
"It was always an honor to have you as friends, and comrades in battle." Shane said.
"It has been a good run my friends. And I know we will gather like this once again. Be it in heaven or on earth." Kyle added.
Granel walked up to the fountain as well. He looked up into the skylight and smiled at the blue havens above. Removing his wedding ring from his finger, he carefully placed the ring into the bottom of the fountain, withdrawing his hand slowly and letting the cool water run through his fingers. "I shall see you soon." He whispered to himself.
Granel threw his arms over Shane and Joshua. "Well, it is time. For us there is not much hope. This is our final act, to contribute to the pages of those who will survive us."
"Amen." Joshua said.
They laughed as they walked down the stone steps together. Granel picked up his oversized axe and flung it over his shoulder. Another huge piece of wood broke off from the door and crushed a few soldiers below. It was on it’s last legs. "The door is splintered. Ready your arms." He said as he began to walk toward the four pillars. Kyle and Samuel unsheathed their swords. Shane readied his axe as Joshua held his spear steady. "Lets do this to give our friends a better chance." Joshua said.
"Let’s cripple this army and make it easy pickings for the rest!" Samuel exclaimed
The door came under another huge blow and was half broken. "Come now boys! Let us meet our foe and smite them!" Granel called as he ran toward the group of soldiers at the door.
They ran down to the four pillars and stood beside Granel and a line of about 200 soldiers. " Stay strong. Whatever comes through that door will be brought down!" Granel commanded and the soldiers responded with a bellowing war cry. The door came under one final blow and it flung open, knocking a few soldiers down. Smoke and dust covered the entrance and total silence filled the halls now. Nothing could be seen beyond the great arc. Kyle looked at the others and they nodded back at him. With one cry in unison, the four of them charged forth toward the arc followed by Granel and the soldiers. They charged together still with fear. But the fear subsided with each step they took. The only thing that separated them from the enemy was a cloud of dust. And as the four of them broke through that cloud, they were one step closer to the white shores of heaven and the lands beyond….
-Kyle Ganapathy
An excerpt from the unfinished series "Youngbloods". From the collection of the fantasy pages.
Damian abruptly woke up from his sleep. He looked around the room which he was in. "Where am I? Where the heck is this place?!"
He tried to get up but a sharp pain struck him in the side. He looked down and saw that his abdomen was covered in bandages. "Hey, relax." A familiar voice said.
Damian looked to his right and Geoff stood at the door. "Geoff! Where the heck is this place?"
"Take it easy Damian. You fell from your horse about a day ago. Hadriel found you and brought you here for treatment. This is George castle. We stopped by here before the others went over to the fortress of Mosin " He replied
"But I was supposed to go there! What about Shane and the rest? Are they alright?"
"Last we heard was that they were under attack. We don’t know if they were able to make it out."
"That’s it, I’m riding there now. Tell them to saddle up Fergy."
Damian tried to get up once again but was hampered by the pain in his side. He fell off the bed onto the floor.
"You won’t be going anywhere for now. Hadriel and Judith went to scout the area. All we can do now is pray for them." Geoff said as he helped him back up onto the bed. "Rest up, we may need to ride to battle in a few days as well."
Damian got back into bed. "This is stupid." He said as he hit the pillow beside him, " Alright I’ll stay here. But the least you can do is get me some water."
"You have some of Penny’s potato juice right there."
"Potato juice? Yuck! Anything but that!"
"Direct orders from the princess. Drink up!" said Geoff as he laughed and turned to leave.
"Bastard." said Damian as he tucked himself back under the blanket.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Song of the scorned
Where once was light
Now darkness falls
Where once was love
Love is no more
Don't say goodbye
Don't say I didn't try
These tears I cry
Are falling rain
For all the lies you told us
The hurt, the blame
And I will weep to be so alone
I am lost,
I can never go home
So in the end
I'll be what I will be
No special love
Was ever there for me
Now I say goodbye
I say you didn't try
These tears you cry
Have come too late
Take back the lies
The hurt, the blame!
And you will weep
When you face the end alone,
You are lost,
You can never go home.
You are lost,
You can never go home.
Now darkness falls
Where once was love
Love is no more
Don't say goodbye
Don't say I didn't try
These tears I cry
Are falling rain
For all the lies you told us
The hurt, the blame
And I will weep to be so alone
I am lost,
I can never go home
So in the end
I'll be what I will be
No special love
Was ever there for me
Now I say goodbye
I say you didn't try
These tears you cry
Have come too late
Take back the lies
The hurt, the blame!
And you will weep
When you face the end alone,
You are lost,
You can never go home.
You are lost,
You can never go home.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
God damn it! The last love i had in life has betrayed me. English. How could you. All my dreams were based upon you. Why the hell am i not getting up to standard if i give my best!? Why the hell is it that every test that goes down the row decreases my fucking marks. What the fuck is wrong with me?! A writer? PFFT is all i can say to myself. What kind of writer can't get a damn distinction for a PRELIMINARY exam. What kind of writer gets his fucking composition littered with correction marks? I'm not a god damn writer after all then. 2 years in a row i had the best in English award. Sec 1 and Sec 2. I lost it at sec 3 and now at sec 4, i'm 200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 leagues away from it. Marc Van Huizen got highest with a 77. HEH. Who else would you have expected? Everything is going perfect for him anyway. I have no damn identity anymore. I was considered one of the best in english and now look at me! What the fuck am i? I'm seriously questioning my existence now. Why God did you create such a bum? I'm sorry if i'm being blasphemous. But just look at me. My english sucks so much i can't even spell that word. I have no special trait anymore!n I am just a mediocre asshole. What am I here for. Am I just a filler of space? Am I one of the average people put on earth so as to make other people look extraordinary. Yeah i think thats what I am. If they make a movie about...oh i don't know, Marc Van Huizen, they'd show him being the greatness that he is. And my name will be there in small credits at the end. "Son of a bitch assclown from 4E2" played by Kyle Ganapathy. Thats what i am. Just a filler to make other people look great. Fine then. If that's the case that i can't even get a god damn 70 for my english, I'm not writing anymore. Forget all the poems. Forget all my stories. I'm not going to write. There is no point in writing if there is nothing left to write for. Look at all the stuff that i've written in the past. All useless, with not even a distinction to prove for it. I don't consider myself a writer. I don't deserve to be. I am a space filler and an average one at that. If English isn't my forte then what is. I am fucking useless as a human being. I am, was always and will always be, Nothing. And you know it. So don't try and cheer me up by saying we all have our strengths and weaknesses because from where i'm standing, I have no strengths. It is a straight line with dips at certain areas. I am not special and never will be so don't say i am. I am not good at anything anymore. Thats that. My life is probably gonna be over in 2 years anyway. So God, if the rest of my days are going to be as bad as this, please make me die at 35.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I'm pissed off with a lot of things recently. Not sad or shit like that just plain irritated. And pissed. I ain't gonna be that nice guy i tried to be before. Maybe only to a select few. But other than that, the fur is growing and the claws are emerging. I am now a beast. Fierce and quick. And before you try to pat me on the head, be warned, I ain't tame. And don't forget, beasts often bite.
Till I calm down,
Till I calm down,
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Dedicated to the Writers
A writer lives a hard life. He lives in his own world of fantasies, creating dreams from paper and ink. Sharing his wildest passions and ideas with the readers. A writer has the power to make another cry and perhaps others laugh. It all depends on the words which he writes. His job brings joy no matter. Seeing the look of captivation on a readers face, watching a child laugh with joy that his work brings or even having someone tell him that his writing is far beyond comprehension. The writer has many joys, but then again, the writer has a hard life. He lives behind his books and poems. The people do not love the writer, they love the books. If a writer was a mere peasant who hoed gardens for a living, no one would care. No one cares anyway. The writer is just a name embossed in golden ink onto the side of a book. Other than that he is insignificant. He is the last to know about anything and is the first for anything bad to happen to. The very things that brought him into his job can turn against him, his emotions. His sadness is read and not felt. His happiness is read and not felt. His anger is read and not felt. His entire life is read, but never understood by anyone apart for himself. Perhaps that is why the writer confides in his own world of fantasy where his dreams can actually come true. Because the chances of that happening in the real world are as good as Haley's comet colliding with the earth and causing less than a tremble through the earth's core. If anyone was offered a knife in their moment of depression, the writer would be the first to take it and end it right there and then.
Why was I blessed with this curse. Sometimes, the only time i feel appreciated, respected and loved is in the pages of my own text? Will I forever be force to live behind my wall of books and papers? My answer to myself, is yes. From where I stand, there is no possible way that anyone will ever be able to help. The writer's life is a hard one. And if it wasn't for it's subtle rewards here and there, I'd soon be dead.
The world was never meant for one as beautiful as a writer.
Why was I blessed with this curse. Sometimes, the only time i feel appreciated, respected and loved is in the pages of my own text? Will I forever be force to live behind my wall of books and papers? My answer to myself, is yes. From where I stand, there is no possible way that anyone will ever be able to help. The writer's life is a hard one. And if it wasn't for it's subtle rewards here and there, I'd soon be dead.
The world was never meant for one as beautiful as a writer.
Monday, September 12, 2005
A sorrowful goodbye
Kyle ran through the forest with heavy breaths, looking around as the swirls of green trees encapsulated him. He darted around the forest floor. "Hadriel!" he called in a tone filled with anxiety and worry, "Hadriel where are you?". There was no response. He was searching for Hadriel who had fallen into the forest prior to the battle. "Hadriel! For crying out loud where the heck are you?" Kyle exclaimed again as he threw his rapier to the ground in exasperation.
Then, a single tone of a whistle broke the silence. It was the whistle that Kyle gave to Hadriel before the fighting had begun. Kyle sprung up from the ground and did his best to try and follow the sound. He found himself again running to nowhere. The whistle then died out and he began to lose his patience again. "Hadriel! Can't you just use one of the guardian flares damn it!?" Kyle shouted with his hoarse voice.
Out from the trees a blue light flew into the sky and exploded into a firework-like display. Kyle knew where to go. He ran toward the blue light which became increasingly hard to see as the sun was high in the sky at that time. Eventually he caught sight of Hadriel leaning against an oak tree on a mound of grass. "Hadriel!" he said, running up to him, "I finally found you. What happened?"
"Well, I just thought it would be nice to sit out here against this oak tree and watch the trees" Hadriel replied.
"I saw you fall from the sky into the...What happened to your wing!?"
Kyle noticed that the feathered wing on Hadriel's back was badly twisted and was covered in blood. The white feathers began to fall of one by one onto the grass. " Oh crap... We really need to get you back to the village. You're in terrible condition."
"There'll be no need for that my friend..I am perhaps too badly hurt."
Kyle looked at him and gave a half laugh, " What are you talking about dude?"
Hadriel moved his cloak away from his chest and revealed an arrow penetrating straight through his heart area. Below it was a terrible gash near his ribs. His hands were stained in his own blood. Kyle's eyes widened as he saw his wounds. That was the first time that Kyle had seen the blood of his Fotch Guardian spilled. "O-okay...Hadriel wait here i'll go get some help..." he said as his lips trembled.
"Theres no need Kyle. My human eyes grow dark..." Hadriel said weakly.
"What? Come on don't say that man. I'm gonna get you fixed up."
As he turned to leave, Hadriel grabbed his cape. "By the time you get back, I'll be gone."
Kyle looked back at Hadriel. His face grew paler with every breath he took. "My time on this earth is almost through. And before I go, I'd like to spend my last few moments with the reason I was sent down here in the first place. My ward."
Kyle knelt down beside him and took his hand. "You're not gonna go Hadriel. You are a fotch Guardian. I've seen you get out of worst things than this."
Hadriel gave a soft laugh as Kyle said those words, "You make it seem that we are invincible. On this earth, we are merely humans with wings and special powers."
"Well then use your special powers are heal yourself or something!"
He pulled his battered body up slightly," Unfortunately, healing is only a femaleFotch guardian's power."
"Well then teleport us back to the village! Hadriel, you can't just die now! You have a contract up there!" Kyle said as he pointed to the sky.
"The contract expires if a Guardian is killed in an accident or a battle. So, i guess I'm going to be retired soon eh?"
Kyle grabbed him by the collar and shook him slightly,"Don't say shit like that!"
"I don't think you're supposed to shake someone who has an arrow through his chest."
He set Hadriel back down and placed his backpack behind his head. "You can't die now Hadriel..There's so much I don't know. How am I supposed to get through it all without a guide? How are we going to get by without you protecting us?" As he continued to speak, a tear rolled down his cheek and onto the ground, "How am I to continue this journey without my guardian by my side?"
"You will get by. I was only here to assist. You did everything up till now by yourself. And I bet if I wasn't here, you'd still have done it." Hadriel replied weakly as he coughed into his cloak.
"I don't want you to die. Come on Hadriel...we'll go back to Japan with the rest of them and pretend none of this crap ever happened. Let's go back..."
He shook his head and replied in a much sterner voice, " Kyle. Don't you get it? I'm already past my time. I'm violating the rules by staying here and talking to you. Feel my pulse."
Kyle put his fingers to Hadriel's neck. There was no pulse. Neither was he breathing at all. Kyle backed away slightly with his hand trembling as he removed it from his neck. Hadriel took Kyle's hand and opened it slightly. "Here, take this." he unlatched his sword from his waist and placed it into Kyle's hand, "May it guide you when I am no longer here."
Kyle took the sword. It was Hadriel's Guardian sword that he had used over the years. It was said that a Fotch Guardian's sword was unbreakable. He covered his face with his hands as more tears began to fall.
Hadriel looked to the right. "Aren't the flowers and the trees looking splendid this summer day?"
He reached out to a nearby bush and picked an orange flower from it. "For Nydia. Tell her I said goodbye."
Kyle reached out and kept the flower in his coat pocket. Hadriel once again pulled himself out and let out a sigh. "It's been a great run to have you as a friend and a ward all these years. But as everything has to come to an end, so our friendship ends here."
Kyle looked into Hadriel's blue eyes, which had lost it's aquamarine colour and were fading into pale darkness. His own eyes were now stained red by his tears. "Will I ever see you again Hadriel?"
"Perhaps. As long as you still believe in me." came the reply, "It is time for me to go now Kyle. Remember what I always told you. If you believe, you will achieve. Farewell my friend."
He brought Kyle's forehead against his and as he took his last breath, his human form faded into blue tranclucency. It was his true form. The true form of a fotch guardian. A ring of light emnated around his angelic figure as he waved his last wave to the boy he was sent down to protect. And as Kyle waved back, The spirit of Hadriel Tomoas was scattered into luminous blue feathers which danced around in the sunlight, filtering in through the massive oak trees of the forest. Kyle held Hadriel's sword close to his chest as he watched his guardian disappear from human existence and into a world unknown to him. A final tear fell from his eyes as the last of the feathers floated up into the wild blue beyond.
He walked up to the tree where Hadriel lay before and picked up the whistle that was left behind. "Goodbye old friend..." Kyle said as he placed the whistle into his backpack.
And as he left the forest, he could have sworn he heard the ever flamboyant voice of Hadriel once again say, "If you believe, you will achieve."
-Kyle Ganapathy
Adapted from "A sorrowful goodbye" from the pages of the unfinished series "Youngbloods"
Then, a single tone of a whistle broke the silence. It was the whistle that Kyle gave to Hadriel before the fighting had begun. Kyle sprung up from the ground and did his best to try and follow the sound. He found himself again running to nowhere. The whistle then died out and he began to lose his patience again. "Hadriel! Can't you just use one of the guardian flares damn it!?" Kyle shouted with his hoarse voice.
Out from the trees a blue light flew into the sky and exploded into a firework-like display. Kyle knew where to go. He ran toward the blue light which became increasingly hard to see as the sun was high in the sky at that time. Eventually he caught sight of Hadriel leaning against an oak tree on a mound of grass. "Hadriel!" he said, running up to him, "I finally found you. What happened?"
"Well, I just thought it would be nice to sit out here against this oak tree and watch the trees" Hadriel replied.
"I saw you fall from the sky into the...What happened to your wing!?"
Kyle noticed that the feathered wing on Hadriel's back was badly twisted and was covered in blood. The white feathers began to fall of one by one onto the grass. " Oh crap... We really need to get you back to the village. You're in terrible condition."
"There'll be no need for that my friend..I am perhaps too badly hurt."
Kyle looked at him and gave a half laugh, " What are you talking about dude?"
Hadriel moved his cloak away from his chest and revealed an arrow penetrating straight through his heart area. Below it was a terrible gash near his ribs. His hands were stained in his own blood. Kyle's eyes widened as he saw his wounds. That was the first time that Kyle had seen the blood of his Fotch Guardian spilled. "O-okay...Hadriel wait here i'll go get some help..." he said as his lips trembled.
"Theres no need Kyle. My human eyes grow dark..." Hadriel said weakly.
"What? Come on don't say that man. I'm gonna get you fixed up."
As he turned to leave, Hadriel grabbed his cape. "By the time you get back, I'll be gone."
Kyle looked back at Hadriel. His face grew paler with every breath he took. "My time on this earth is almost through. And before I go, I'd like to spend my last few moments with the reason I was sent down here in the first place. My ward."
Kyle knelt down beside him and took his hand. "You're not gonna go Hadriel. You are a fotch Guardian. I've seen you get out of worst things than this."
Hadriel gave a soft laugh as Kyle said those words, "You make it seem that we are invincible. On this earth, we are merely humans with wings and special powers."
"Well then use your special powers are heal yourself or something!"
He pulled his battered body up slightly," Unfortunately, healing is only a femaleFotch guardian's power."
"Well then teleport us back to the village! Hadriel, you can't just die now! You have a contract up there!" Kyle said as he pointed to the sky.
"The contract expires if a Guardian is killed in an accident or a battle. So, i guess I'm going to be retired soon eh?"
Kyle grabbed him by the collar and shook him slightly,"Don't say shit like that!"
"I don't think you're supposed to shake someone who has an arrow through his chest."
He set Hadriel back down and placed his backpack behind his head. "You can't die now Hadriel..There's so much I don't know. How am I supposed to get through it all without a guide? How are we going to get by without you protecting us?" As he continued to speak, a tear rolled down his cheek and onto the ground, "How am I to continue this journey without my guardian by my side?"
"You will get by. I was only here to assist. You did everything up till now by yourself. And I bet if I wasn't here, you'd still have done it." Hadriel replied weakly as he coughed into his cloak.
"I don't want you to die. Come on Hadriel...we'll go back to Japan with the rest of them and pretend none of this crap ever happened. Let's go back..."
He shook his head and replied in a much sterner voice, " Kyle. Don't you get it? I'm already past my time. I'm violating the rules by staying here and talking to you. Feel my pulse."
Kyle put his fingers to Hadriel's neck. There was no pulse. Neither was he breathing at all. Kyle backed away slightly with his hand trembling as he removed it from his neck. Hadriel took Kyle's hand and opened it slightly. "Here, take this." he unlatched his sword from his waist and placed it into Kyle's hand, "May it guide you when I am no longer here."
Kyle took the sword. It was Hadriel's Guardian sword that he had used over the years. It was said that a Fotch Guardian's sword was unbreakable. He covered his face with his hands as more tears began to fall.
Hadriel looked to the right. "Aren't the flowers and the trees looking splendid this summer day?"
He reached out to a nearby bush and picked an orange flower from it. "For Nydia. Tell her I said goodbye."
Kyle reached out and kept the flower in his coat pocket. Hadriel once again pulled himself out and let out a sigh. "It's been a great run to have you as a friend and a ward all these years. But as everything has to come to an end, so our friendship ends here."
Kyle looked into Hadriel's blue eyes, which had lost it's aquamarine colour and were fading into pale darkness. His own eyes were now stained red by his tears. "Will I ever see you again Hadriel?"
"Perhaps. As long as you still believe in me." came the reply, "It is time for me to go now Kyle. Remember what I always told you. If you believe, you will achieve. Farewell my friend."
He brought Kyle's forehead against his and as he took his last breath, his human form faded into blue tranclucency. It was his true form. The true form of a fotch guardian. A ring of light emnated around his angelic figure as he waved his last wave to the boy he was sent down to protect. And as Kyle waved back, The spirit of Hadriel Tomoas was scattered into luminous blue feathers which danced around in the sunlight, filtering in through the massive oak trees of the forest. Kyle held Hadriel's sword close to his chest as he watched his guardian disappear from human existence and into a world unknown to him. A final tear fell from his eyes as the last of the feathers floated up into the wild blue beyond.
He walked up to the tree where Hadriel lay before and picked up the whistle that was left behind. "Goodbye old friend..." Kyle said as he placed the whistle into his backpack.
And as he left the forest, he could have sworn he heard the ever flamboyant voice of Hadriel once again say, "If you believe, you will achieve."
-Kyle Ganapathy
Adapted from "A sorrowful goodbye" from the pages of the unfinished series "Youngbloods"
Saturday, September 10, 2005
A plea to God
Dear God,
I'm not one of your best children and I'm not very fillial either. I can be a punk sometimes and I can be a total rat at other times. And I'm probably one of your number one candidates to go to hell. Not to mention being a hypocrite and stuff. I know so far I've been a piece of dirt. So if you could do me a few last favours it would be these few.
Firstly, being the king of the world and all, you gotta have some power over me so would you please guide me to a better side of me. Y'know i don't wanna be this Kyle that I am right now. Because this Kyle kinda....isn't very good at all. In fact, he sucks. Sorry to use that kinda language in front of you. Forgive me. Please help me to change for the better. I'd like to go to heaven when I die y'know what I'm saying?
Secondly, please slap me in the face. Help me to put aside my fake ways and become the Kyle that I was meant to be when you created me from dust. For that I'd really need your help. Or i'd be dead. Really.
Thirdly, please help me to let go of things a little easier than before. It's like lord of the rings and all I gotta do is release my grip and let the ring fall into the lava but i just can't do it. I'm not asking to be unhurtable or anything but me to stop lingering on things long after they've gone because it's not good for me and if it's not good for me then i'd start doing dumb stuff that in turn hurts your rules and stuff you know what i'm saying. Well you probably can read my mind so if i'm rambling i'm sure you know whats going on.
I really need your help man. I can't do this as a human dude. Humans are weak! No offense. Since you created us but even you'd agree that we are so weak minded. So help me to become a better Kyle than I am and ever was. For that i'd be eternally grateful. I'm sorry for not going to church for so long. Perhaps i should spend more time praying on sundays. Y'know like give you a little call now and then and see how things are doing up there. You know God, I imagine you as my main man. As my friend and as a cool dad. I don't know if its wrong to think of you as my friend and pal n all. And I really hope its not blasphemious. However you spell that. You're the king of my ring big G. Thanks.
-From your son and friend
Kyle Andrew Ganapathy
P.S -Please keep my friends safe and sound and take care of them. Please don't let them get any sicknesses and stuff and please protect em from accidents. Take care of Josh. I'm sure you know him, he practically spends half his week in church. Take care of Samuel. He's not someone you can find around the corner of 33rd street. Take care of Shane. He's cool, most of the time. Take care of Wei Jie, and please for his own sake, make him study for his prelims. Take care of Ying because she never ceases to brighten my day up. Or at least tries to. Take care of Rishik coz he's a lil conflicted, just like me and he's a cool dude and a pal too. And also, take care of the rest of the peeps I know. I'm sorry if i didn't mention you and stuff but you guys are all cool. I'd make a list but i don't wanna bore you all. Last but not least....please take care of Nadia. Y'know she's been a real friend for so long and i went and kinda spoiled it. A little. I spoil everything. I want everything to be cool again. I want us to be tight. I want all of us to be tight. Like those black guys ya see on tv. Take care of Nadia, God. And take care of everyone else. Take care of em first and then take care of me. Take care of my family too. Oh and please let my pizza be ready by the time I go down.
Hey thanks God! Triple cheese and pepperoni. Seeya later big G!
P.S- This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.
I'm not one of your best children and I'm not very fillial either. I can be a punk sometimes and I can be a total rat at other times. And I'm probably one of your number one candidates to go to hell. Not to mention being a hypocrite and stuff. I know so far I've been a piece of dirt. So if you could do me a few last favours it would be these few.
Firstly, being the king of the world and all, you gotta have some power over me so would you please guide me to a better side of me. Y'know i don't wanna be this Kyle that I am right now. Because this Kyle kinda....isn't very good at all. In fact, he sucks. Sorry to use that kinda language in front of you. Forgive me. Please help me to change for the better. I'd like to go to heaven when I die y'know what I'm saying?
Secondly, please slap me in the face. Help me to put aside my fake ways and become the Kyle that I was meant to be when you created me from dust. For that I'd really need your help. Or i'd be dead. Really.
Thirdly, please help me to let go of things a little easier than before. It's like lord of the rings and all I gotta do is release my grip and let the ring fall into the lava but i just can't do it. I'm not asking to be unhurtable or anything but me to stop lingering on things long after they've gone because it's not good for me and if it's not good for me then i'd start doing dumb stuff that in turn hurts your rules and stuff you know what i'm saying. Well you probably can read my mind so if i'm rambling i'm sure you know whats going on.
I really need your help man. I can't do this as a human dude. Humans are weak! No offense. Since you created us but even you'd agree that we are so weak minded. So help me to become a better Kyle than I am and ever was. For that i'd be eternally grateful. I'm sorry for not going to church for so long. Perhaps i should spend more time praying on sundays. Y'know like give you a little call now and then and see how things are doing up there. You know God, I imagine you as my main man. As my friend and as a cool dad. I don't know if its wrong to think of you as my friend and pal n all. And I really hope its not blasphemious. However you spell that. You're the king of my ring big G. Thanks.
-From your son and friend
Kyle Andrew Ganapathy
P.S -Please keep my friends safe and sound and take care of them. Please don't let them get any sicknesses and stuff and please protect em from accidents. Take care of Josh. I'm sure you know him, he practically spends half his week in church. Take care of Samuel. He's not someone you can find around the corner of 33rd street. Take care of Shane. He's cool, most of the time. Take care of Wei Jie, and please for his own sake, make him study for his prelims. Take care of Ying because she never ceases to brighten my day up. Or at least tries to. Take care of Rishik coz he's a lil conflicted, just like me and he's a cool dude and a pal too. And also, take care of the rest of the peeps I know. I'm sorry if i didn't mention you and stuff but you guys are all cool. I'd make a list but i don't wanna bore you all. Last but not least....please take care of Nadia. Y'know she's been a real friend for so long and i went and kinda spoiled it. A little. I spoil everything. I want everything to be cool again. I want us to be tight. I want all of us to be tight. Like those black guys ya see on tv. Take care of Nadia, God. And take care of everyone else. Take care of em first and then take care of me. Take care of my family too. Oh and please let my pizza be ready by the time I go down.
Hey thanks God! Triple cheese and pepperoni. Seeya later big G!
P.S- This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.
Who am I?
I don't know who I am anymore. Really. Am I really faceless? Do I just replicate from time to time? Am I like a shapeshifter or something. I don't know if I'm still the boy who dreams of becoming a WWE superstar or just someone who is taking the form of another person. Is there a true Kyle? Does one exist? I'm unsure. I have a bad feeling that if there is a true Kyle, it is an evil, scary, uncaring and ruthless individual. I just have a feeling. Perhaps I am just a figure from a comic. Existing only in a world of text. Who is this idiot I see when i look in a mirror?!? If there is a real Kyle I'm f*cking pissed with him right now. Show yourself you piece of garbage! Why am I not able to show the rest of the world my true self and not try and fool them with my phony acts of flamboyance and happiness? I'm not Kyle anymore. I once was. Now I'm just a replica of a thousand personas combined together. Kyle is lost. Who's gonna find him? I can't. Can you?
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